Robert Maxwell

Mr. Maxwell served with the Merchant Marine during the Second World War and is a longtime member of the Merchant Navy Veterans Association. He was a member of ANAVETS Unit #314 from 1976 to 1988 and served on the executive in a number of capacities. Since 1988, Mr. Maxwell has been a very active member of The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 69, having served as second Vice President, first Vice President, President, Entertainment Chairman, Poppy Chairman, and Chairman of Finance. Additionally, Mr. Maxwell has organized and led numerous parades and parties. He continues to advise veterans and their dependnts. From 1996 to present Mr. Maxwell he has been a member of the Kelowna Naval Association, taking part in the Battle of Atlantic presentations to Veterans, Sea Cadets, Navy League Cadets and others. With a comrade, he was instrumental in forming the Peachland Pipe Band. Mr. Maxwell is the first recipient of the S.S. Beaver Medal: a medal which was struck from copper fittings taken from the S.S. Beaver vessel and is awarded to those who, post-war, continue to contribute to their country and community.