Robert McPherson

Mr. Robert McPherson is a retired warrant officer of the Canadian Air Force having served in Germany, the Middle East and in various locations across Canada. Since retiring, Mr. McPherson has been a volunteer on behalf of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping. For more than 10 years he has also been a volunteer at the Military Museum in Calgary. Mr. McPherson personally constructed a special bunker for the many school children who visit the museum on a daily basis. In the bunker, he describes how soldiers lived and worked underground. He solicits the assistance of other Veterans to dress the children in military uniforms and then leads them through an interactive interpretation of military life. Mr. McPherson also constructed the peacekeeping display which depicts a soldier handing a doll to a destitute child in a combat area. As a renowned military badge and stamp collector, many Veterans seek Mr. McPherson's advice on their family military treasures. He regularly speaks at schools and service clubs. Mr. McPherson is a longstanding member of The Royal Canadian Legion.