Robert Nisbet

Mr. Nisbet is a Korea War Veteran and a retired Canadian Forces Veteran. He has been a member of the Korea Veterans Association (KVA) since 1983 and a member of The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) since 1982. He has served twice as KVA Unit President, has served on their Colour Party in parades, has attended Veterans' funerals and has been Entertainment Chairman since 1983. Mr. Nisbet was the driving force for his association's 1998 convention, held in Winnipeg. In 2003, KVA Unit 17 held a three-day 50th anniversary event where Mr. Nisbet was once again responsible for planning and organizing events for local Veterans and those invited from the United States. Mr. Nisbet raised funds for a stained glass memorial window to be placed at Deer Lodge Centre and made arrangements for the Minister of Veterans Affairs to unveil the window. As co-chair of the Joint Veterans Association, which organizes memorial ceremonies for all Veterans, Mr. Nisbet has helped to ensure events and ceremonies in the Winnipeg area have been well-attended and successful. Mr. Nisbet has been active assisting Veterans residing in Deer Lodge by motivating them to socialize outside their rooms. This has resulted in happier and healthier Veterans.