Robert Provost

Chilliwack, British Columbia

Mr. Provost is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran who served with NATO forces in Germany and Cyprus. He joined Unit #305 of The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans (ANAVETS) in 1970 and in 1984, was elected and served on the Executive as Membership and Finance chairman. He served two years as President and held the office of Past President from 1990 91. Mr. Provost joined the Colour Party in 1990 where he is still committed to attending all parades. He became Sergeant at Arms in 2007 and continues in this position. Mr. Provost donated funds to assist Unit #305 in purchasing a new roof and repairing furniture. He has been actively involved in the Meat Draw Committee for the past 25 years, which raises funds for a variety of local Veteran charities. Since 1999, Mr. Provost has volunteered daily at the Salvation Army and since 1997, he has volunteered for the Salvation Army kettle drive, proudly wearing his Association uniform. Mr. Provost was honoured with Life membership in 1995 and received his Association=s Active Member of the Year Award in 2003 and 2007.