Ronald Bell

Mr. Bell served with the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Commissioned Flying Officer from 1954-1960, and then as a Cadet Instructor Cadre with the Canadian Forces from 1990-1995. Mr. Bell is an active member of Branch 150 of The Royal Canadian Legion. He has served many capacities including 2nd Vice President, Cadet Liaison Officer and Acting Manager/Finance Chair. In the latter position, Mr. Bell decided to serve as a volunteer, saving his Branch the wages he would have earned. Mr. Bell was co-chair of Public Relations during the Legion’s 2005 National Track & Field Competition. He has been Chairman of the Edmonton Remembrance Day Ceremony on five occasions, where he ensures cadets play key roles. Mr. Bell was the lead organizer of the 2008 Vimy Ridge Ceremony in Edmonton. Since 2005, he has been an active member of the Edmonton Salutes Committee. Edmonton Salutes is a committee of City Council that was established to support, recognize and work with the military personnel of Edmonton Garrison to make them and their families welcome as valued members of the community. Mr. Bell coordinates efforts with a number of Legion branches to ensure returning soldiers from Afghanistan receive a hero’s welcome.