Ross Petten

Port de Grave, Newfoundland & Labrador

Mr. Petten is a life member of the Royal Canadian Legion. His leadership of the executive committee and his commitment to remembrance have ensured that support is provided to Veterans and their families, and that their sacrifices are constantly promoted through remembrance events. Under his presidency of Legion Branch 32 in Bay Roberts, its membership increased by approximately 30% and its revenue was maximized. The branch forged a partnership with the Town of Bay Roberts that led to the creation of the Veterans’ Quay Marina and the construction of boardwalks in the harbour and parts of the town. Under Mr. Petten’s tenure as president, many other projects were also undertaken such as having memorial crosses and flags placed on all graves in the area served by his branch. Mr. Petten’s dedication to Veterans has also inspired him to institute a committee for the sick that organizes visits to hospitals, nursing homes and private homes to deliver flowers and fruit. In addition to this work, Mr. Petten is Past President and is currently serving as Vice President at the Charwood Legion Manor, where 48 units are provided to seniors. He currently serves as the Immediate Past President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Command of the Royal Canadian Legion, and he chairs a number of committees, including membership and sports. Mr. Petten served on the Dominion Executive Council for the Royal Canadian Legion from 2012-2014 on the Sports Committee and on the Dominion Executive Council Poppy and Remembrance Committee since June 2014.