Roy Lamore

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Mr. Lamore is a Second World War Veteran who has devoted 58 years of his life to The Royal Canadian Legion. His 25 years on the Executive Committee included simultaneous service as Branch President and Zone Commander. For the past 15 years, he has been active in The Royal Canadian Legion Sports Foundation, accompanying boys and girls to the Peace Gardens Sports Camp. As a Branch Service Officer, Mr. Lamore has been handling the Last Post Fund, and successfully negotiated the acquisition of additional grave sites in local cemeteries. As a member of the Thunder Bay City's Cenotaph Committee, he ensures that the Cenotaph is properly maintained at all times. Mr. Lamore spearheaded the fundraising drive with the local Wal-Mart for the Juno Beach Interpretive Centre to be open in France in June 2003. In May 2001, he represented the Legion in Maizières, France, where a street was renamed after a Port Arthur Veteran who lost his life there in 1944. More recently, on behalf of The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ottawa, Mr. Lamore collected the names of local Veterans who had participated in the liberation of the Netherlands, and made arrangements to have Dutch officials present them with commemorative medals at a special ceremony.