Shirley Elizabeth Robertson

A wife of a deceased Veteran, Mrs. Robertson became involved in the Veterans Memorial Garden Project when she discovered that the parking lot at Camp Hill Veterans Memorial was scheduled to be expanded at the expense of the surrounding landscape. A determined and compassionate woman, Mrs. Robertson thought that the Home's residents would benefit far more by being surrounded by nature, rather then by additional pavement and concrete. She decided at this point that action was needed. Mrs. Robertson dedicated three years to the design of the Veterans Memorial Gardens. She helped organize a non-profit committee that took responsibility for the project, and accepted to serve as its co-chair. In that capacity she worked tirelessly, seeking excellence in every phase of the project. She inspired people to appreciate the therapeutic value of nature, and consequently was successful at halting the parking lot expansion. Her passion for life and natural beauty was the force behind the success of this complex project. Thanks to her drive and endless energy, the project was defined, designed, financed, supervised and finally realized. In the course of this project, Mrs. Robertson has gained profound respect and admiration from her peers and from the residents of the Camp Hill Veterans' Memorial home. She created an environment in which Veterans, including those with limited mobility, can enjoy the beauty of nature and admire the horticultural talents of their peers.