Sidney Butler

Mr. Butler is a Veteran of the Second World War. He has been an active member of the 150 North Atlantic Wing of the Air Force Association of Canada since its inception in 1951. Mr. Butler has served as president twice and as an executive member, he continues to provide invaluable support to the Wing and guidance in matters of protocol. He is the editor and publisher of the Wing’s quarterly news bulletin, Wing Span, which commemorates the contribution of Canada’s Air Force during the Second World War. Since 1998, Mr. Butler has updated and expanded the coverage of this publication and as a result, he has won national awards for his work. When Newfoundland became a province of Canada in 1949, the Air Cadet movement was established with four squadrons in St. John’s. Mr. Butler was one of the original officers and instructor with 510 Squadron and eventually became Adjutant of No. 10 Wing RCAC. A strong advocate for Veterans, Mr. Butler continues to visit hospitalized or ailing comrades, keeping the lines of communication open.