Stanley Graham

Somerville, New Brunswick

Mr. Graham has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) for nearly 33 years and served on the executive as secretary/treasurer. Since 1992, he has played a particularly active role as chairperson and serving on various committees, including Public Relations, Poppy and Remembrance, Veteran Visitation and Honours and Awards, which recognizes the contributions of individuals who have contributed in an exemplary manner to the care and well-being of Veterans or to the remembrance of the sacrifices and achievements of Veterans. Mr. Graham also served as mayor of Millville, New Brunswick, from 1983 to 1992 and was responsible for fostering good relations between the town, Veterans and RCL Branch 59. During this period, he also volunteered to draft reconstruction and financial plans for the renovation work required to the branch. In 2011, when the branch was destroyed by fire, Mr. Graham carried out the recovery and replacement of mementos and artefacts. He also organized and served as master of Ceremonies for the grand opening of the new building. Mr. Graham spearheaded the Maple Ridge Veterans’ Memorial Stone project and organized the unveiling ceremony in 2002, during which time he launched his book, “Tribute to Maple Ridge Veterans.” Mr. Graham has also been instrumental in having two memorial stones added to the cenotaph in Millville, recognizing the service of local Veterans, as well as upgrades to the site. Mr. Graham continues to provide encouragement, sage advice and assistance on memorial-related projects to other community groups.