Steve Nadeau

East Angus, Quebec

Steve Nadeau is one of the co-founders of Vétérans Nouvelle Génération Canada. From 2008 to 2021, he was heavily involved with Veterans UN-NATO Canada, founding and serving as president of the Estrie region branch for 10 years before becoming provincial president and then national vice president. Also an active member of The Royal Canadian Legion with service on the executive in various positions, he has been actively helping his fellow Veterans for many years. 

Corporal (Retired) Steve Nadeau is co-founder of Vétérans Nouvelle Génération Canada, a quickly-growing group established in 2022 with the goal of connecting all Veterans and serving military members in a positive, supportive and understanding environment. Steve assists the group with the organization of monthly Veterans’ breakfasts and weekly cinq a sept gatherings.

He is also part of The Royal Canadian Legion and is creator of the Estrie region branch of Veterans UN-NATO Canada, for which he served as president from 2008–2018 and helped grow to 200 members. He became provincial president of UN-NATO Canada and then national vice president in May 2020. 

Steve has been an active member of The Royal Canadian Legion since 2003 in East Angus and in Sherbrooke. He has served as Sergeant at Arms, second vice president and in other executive positions. 

Steve is always available to assist Veterans in need. Despite his own health struggles, he has been actively helping his fellow Veterans for many years. He seeks out Veterans to bring them out of isolation, organizes and participates in social Veterans’ activities and commemorative events and helps to direct Veterans to the services they need.