Susan Harrison

Mrs. Harrison is a grade one and two teacher in Plaster Rock, New Brunswick. On her own initiative, Mrs. Harrison began remembrance programs at her school. She initiated a "Veterans in School" program to promote remembrance at an early age, inviting local Veterans to her class to discuss their contribution to Canada's military effort. The program was so successful that it was expanded to include students up to the fifth grade. Mrs. Harrison also ensures her students hold a moment of silence on the anniversaries of the deaths of local soldiers who died overseas and whose names are inscribed on the community cenotaph.

Her students are currently researching the names of the 50 soldiers on the cenotaph and plan to publish a book about them, and create a memorial garden and wall of honour in their memory. Mrs. Harrison uses various school activities throughout the year to promote remembrance, such as remembrance fairs and heritage fairs, and ensures Veterans are invited to attend these activities. In 2007, Mrs. Harrison was chosen to attend the Juno Beach Centre Professional Development Tour for Teachers in France.