Ted Martens

Mr. Martens is an Allied Veteran of the Second World War. He joined the Dutch resistance movement against the German occupation in 1942. In November of 1944, Mr. Martens enlisted in the Dutch regular army and served until April 1945. He then served in Indonesia from March 1947 until October 1950. Mr. Martens settled in Canada in 1952 and joined the Royal Canadian Legion in 1968. He has served as branch president for nine consecutive years. At the provincial and national level, Mr. Martens has served as first and second vice president, president of the Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command, and zone commander for six years. Mr. Martens is currently serving as Cape Breton District Commander as well as provincial Poppy Chairman, where he ensures the money is provided to assist Veterans in Nova Scotia. Mr. Martens has provided assistance to countless Veterans by offering transportation, meals, household chores and advice. In addition to the time Mr. Martens devotes to the Legion and Veterans, he is also on the board of both the local and regional hospitals, and he is a past president of the Air Cadet League.