Terence Lyons CD

Regina, Saskatchewan

Mr. Lyons is a Canadian Forces Veteran. An active volunteer, Mr. Lyons currently holds numerous titles and memberships. As Director and Past President of the 600 Wing Royal Canadian Air Force Association, he is also Chairman of the Saskatchewan War Memorial Committee and a member of the Royal United Services Institute of Regina, the Royal Canadian Legion, the Saskatchewan Aviation Council and the 431 Air Demonstration Squadron’s Society of Honorary Snowbirds. From May 1998 through June 2000, he also served in the role of honorary colonel of Number 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School. In September 2013, Mr. Lyons coordinated the addition of Saskatchewan’s war dead names to the Afghanistan plaque onto the Saskatchewan War Memorial at the Battle of Britain public remembrance ceremony, facilitated annually by Mr. Lyons and the 600 Wing RCAF group. He also assisted in organizing the restoration of the Memorial in time for Regina’s First World War centennial event in August, 2014.