Terrance Bobbitt

Mr. Terrance Bobbitt was a member of the 30th Field Squadron, Royal Canadian Engineers (Militia). He has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch152 for 23 years and he has served as President for the past six years. Mr. Bobbitt’s commitment to revitalizing and invigorating the Legion’s building has been vital in assuring the future of the branch. He took the lead in organizing and completing necessary repairs to the branch, including painting, cleaning, and resurfacing the parking lot. As President, Mr. Bobbitt leads annual Easter and Christmas visits to the local nursing homes and seniors’ facilities where Veterans and surviving spouses receive fruit baskets and heartfelt greetings from the Royal Canadian Legion. Twice each year, the branch hosts Veterans from Camp Hill Hospital for a dinner and dance. Mr. Bobbitt attends many functions including parades, high school graduations and bursary presentations, and he also visits hospitals and seniors’ homes. Always available to lend a helping hand, Mr. Bobbitt is quick to assist older Legionnaires, whether it be shovelling snow, cutting grass, or other household activities. His leadership and generosity continue to benefit Veterans and their families.