Tim Gushue

Major Gushue has been a Canadian Forces member for more than 33 years. A respected writer and research specialist, he has written many military-related articles for historical journals and co-authored the book Buttons of the Canadian Militia, Army, Navy and Air Force, 1900'1990. While working with the French Ministry of Defence at Arras, France, Major Gushue assisted local archaeological groups to recover the remains of 13 unknown soldiers, 12 of whom were identified and entrusted to the appropriate national war graves commission for proper interment. Between 1997 and 2001, Major Gushue served in Belgium where he researched and delivered presentations to students at the Canadian School as part of Remembrance Day ceremonies. He organized a commemorative service at a Commonwealth War Graves Commission site for students and developed and organized numerous battlefield visits where he guided and delivered presentations to school personnel, students, dignitaries and visiting official parties, including new Canadian Forces chaplains. From 2004 to 2008 Major Gushue drew from the experiences of our Veterans to develop strategies to reduce the risk of operational stress injury for today's service personnel. Major Gushue is a member of The Royal Canadian Legion, the Bytown Military Historical Society, Friends of the Canadian War Museum, and the Ohio Valley Military Society.