Tom Eagle

Mr. Eagle enlisted in the army at the age of 19 in hopes of fighting in the Korean War but he was was sent to Germany as a new member of the NATO peacekeeping forces. Within six months, Mr. Eagle became a corporal and later, in Cyprus, he became a Platoon Commander and Sergeant.. After 25 years of military service, he retired in 1971 and settled in Yellowknife, NWT. Mr. Eagle is Chairman of the NWT/Nunavut Aboriginal Veterans Association. He is also President of the NWT/Nunavut branch of the Army Cadet League of Canada, an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion, and, past Chairman and a member of the First Nations Veterans Association of Canada. He actively participates in commemorative ceremonies, especially on National Aboriginal Day and during Veterans’ Week activities. Mr. Eagle was also actively involved in having 49th Street in Yellowknife, renamed "Veterans Memorial Drive," as well as constructing a Veterans Monument in Yellowknife. In 2005, the Year of the Veteran, Mr. Eagle participated in the Aboriginal Spiritual Journey. Mr. Eagle was a member of the National Round Table on First Nations Veterans Issues. He was also very active in the outreach process ensuring the First Nation Veteran community was informed about the First Nations Veteran Package and he also assisted Veterans and widows apply for benefits. Recently, Mr. Eagle and his wife participated in the rededication ceremony at Vimy Ridge as part of the official delegation. Mr. Eagle continues to work hard to create awareness of the contributions that First nations Veterans have made and to assist them with advancing their issues.