Tom Hradec

Mr. Hradec is retired from the Canadian Forces. As a former National President of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping (CANVUP), he worked tirelessly with Veterans Affairs Canada and is well known within the department and to Veterans across Canada for his service. Mr. Hradec is a past national vice-president, Calgary chapter president and past regional director (Western) all within the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping. Mr. Hradec assisted retired Colonel John Frazer, MP with acquiring the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal, by lobbying all Members of Parliament (MP s) in a letter-writing campaign. He also lobbied most Alberta MP s to gain support for the creation of the "Seventh Book of Remembrance," which now rests in the Memorial Chamber on Parliament Hill. He is also credited for lobbying the Alberta government and the city of Calgary to proclaim August 9 as Peacekeepers' Day. Additionally, Mr. Hradec has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for 32 years, a long-time member of the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry and he is a life member of the Canadian Airborne Association.