Walter Charron

Mr. Charron enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy in June 1940. As a Lieutenant, he commanded small and large landing craft and was involved in amphibious landings in Africa, the Middle East, Sicily, Italy and France. He is a longstanding member of Branch 68 of the Royal Canadian Legion having served on the Executive since 1955 in numerous capacities including President, 1st and 2nd Vice President, and Secretary. He has also served on the entertainment, track and field, membership and parade committees. His contribution has been recognized through such awards as the 50 year medal, 60 year medal, Life Membership and Post Officer's medal. Over the years, Mr. Charron has led many Remembrance Day Parades and reads the Honour Roll at commemorative services at the cenotaph and church. He has shared his wartime experiences with students in Montreal, Ottawa, and Kingston and he continues to speak at local schools. He also spends considerable time at Ste. Anne's Hospital visiting comrades. Through the years, Mr. Charron has been a very dedicated and loyal supporter of his church as well as many community service organizations.