William Bell

A Second World War Veteran, Mr. Bell enlisted with the Winnipeg Grenadiers and fought in the Battle for Hong Kong. He was wounded several times before being captured by the Japanese and served almost four years as a prisoner-of-war. A true testament of his devotion to his comrades and their dependents, Mr. Bell has been an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion for more than 60 years. In addition to his long-standing membership with the Legion, Mr. Bell is also a long-standing member of the Hong Kong Veterans Association, where he served on the executive for numerous social and fundraising events and as well, he is a member of the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association. Mr. Bell was instrumental in the creation of the Winnipeg Grenadier Cadet Corps - a Corps which established bursaries for local students to pursue their education. Mr. Bell's commitment to promoting Veterans' contributions and achievements is important to preserving their memory and sacrifice.