William Eisan

Mr. Eisan is a Veteran of the Second World War and the Korean War. He has been an active participant in promoting remembrance of the sacrifice and achievements made by Canadian Veterans and members of the Canadian Forces. A longstanding member of The Royal Canadian Legion, Mr. Eisan has taken pride in representing Canada's Veterans over the years by serving as Sergeant-at-Arms, a Service Officer and Colour Party Commander at local Remembrance Day services. Mr. Eisan has tirelessly promoted the Legion's Poppy Fund, which helps Veterans and their families who may require financial assistance. He continues his giving ways by visiting local schools to talk with students and to deliver presentations on the contribution of Canada's Veterans and military. Mr. Eisan believes it is his duty to assist his fellow comrades no matter the hardships they may be facing. He is an excellent role model for Canada's youth and has made a positive impact on the lives of Veterans and civilians in the city of Hamilton.