William Saunders

A Veteran of the Second World War, Mr. Saunders is the longest serving member at his local Branch of The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL). Since becoming a member of the RCL in 1949, Mr. Saunders has contributed thousands of hours to improving the lives and comfort of his fellow Veterans. His unfailing dedication to his fellow Veterans has been first and foremost in his life and the extent of his commitment to them is best exemplified by the numerous committees on which he has served over the years. Mr. Saunders has been active in the Sick and Visiting Committee, paying special attention to the needs of Veterans confined to their homes or in institutional care. In 1994, Mr. Saunders organized and conducted numerous Sgt.-at-Arms workshops for members of the RCL Branches in his district. Mr. Saunders has been the Sgt.-at-Arms for all Branch functions since 1979. He has also been a member of the Colour Party and acted as Guard of Honour at ceremonies at Veterans' graves. In addition to being devoted to the well-being of Veterans, Mr. Saunders has taken a special interest in promoting the memory of Veterans' sacrifice and contributions by taking part in local schools' Remembrance Programs, regularly speaking to students about the importance of remembrance and taking an active part in November 11th ceremonies. Mr. Saunders has made and continues to make significant contributions to the welfare of Veterans in his community and to the perpetuation of the memory of their sacrifice.