William Titford

Mr. Titford is a Canadian Forces Veteran. He has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion since 1973 and has served actively at all organizational levels promoting the concerns of Veterans. He has held many positions within the Legion and is currently an Honorary Treasurer and Chair of the Command's Poppy and Remembrance Campaign. Mr. Titford's accomplishments over the years include introducing the Fly the Flag of Remembrance ceremony as well as lobbying for a Veteran's Memorial Highway. For the past several years he has volunteered as a Long Term Care Surveyor for the Department of Veterans Affairs where he visits Veterans in facilities surveying them on their needs. In the early 1990s, Mr. Titford lobbied the provincial government to fly the Legion's poppy flag on all government buildings and schools during Veterans' Week. His current project has him researching the history of more than 170 local war memorials in his province.