William Toews

Mr. Toews is a Veteran of the Korean War and a retired Canadian Forces Veteran. He volunteers at local Remembrance Parades and Services as the parade Sgt. at Arms. He was the Parade Commander during Her Majesty's last visit to Calgary. He has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion for over 40 years. Mr. Toews continues to serve as the voluntary Sgt. at Arms for The Royal Canadian Legion Alberta/NWT Command, whereby he takes part in all ceremonial parades and other Veteran functions. He volunteers at the Calgary Museum of the Regiments assisting with a program for visiting school children to help them learn about the achievements and sacrifices of Canada's Veterans. Mr. Toews regularly visits Veterans in the local Col. Belcher Veterans Home, bringing comfort, visiting with mobility-challenged veterans, playing cards, or engaging in other activities to entertain them.