Debbie Lowther

Ms. Debbie Lowther is the Chair and Co-Founder of Veterans Emergency Transition Service Canada (VETS Canada). VETS Canada was started in 2010, upon Ms. Lowther’s and her husband’s realization that Veteran homelessness was a big problem in Canada and that it was receiving very little attention. With the founding of VETS Canada, teams of serving Canadian Armed Forces members, RCMP officers, Veterans and family members went out into homeless shelters in Halifax to assist homeless Veterans. From its humble beginnings, word spread and VETS Canada grew into a national organization, now in every major city and in every province across Canada. They use a “boots to the ground” approach, going directly to the Veteran in need, putting them up in a safe place and bringing service providers to them. VETS Canada has empowered more than 1,000 Veterans to get off the street and back on their feet. Ms. Lowther has become an expert on the subject of Veteran homelessness and has worked non-stop since the founding of the organization. As chair of the organization, Ms. Lowther oversees hundreds of dedicated volunteers across the country and is an Officer of the Board of Directors. She has participated in many high-level meetings and is directly responsible for the success VETS Canada has realized.