Veterans Emergency Fund - FAQs

January 2023

Q1. What is the Veterans Emergency Fund?

The Veterans Emergency Fund (VEF) provides quick financial support to Veterans, their families, and survivors* who are facing an emergency that threatens their health and well-being. Funding is available to help cover the costs of essential needs like food, clothing, and housing. Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Veterans will also be referred to other resources to help with their longer-term needs.

* A survivor, in relation to a deceased Veteran or Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member, means the spouse or common-law partner who was, at the time of the Veteran’s or CAF member’s death, normally residing with the Veteran. A survivor who was involuntarily or temporarily separated from the Veteran or CAF member at the time of death will be considered to be normally residing with them for the purposes of the VEF.

Q2. Who qualifies for the Veterans Emergency Fund?

You may qualify for the benefit if you are a Canadian resident* and a:

  • Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)
  • Current spouse/common-law partner of a Veteran
  • Survivor of a deceased Veteran or deceased CAF member
  • Orphan of a deceased Veteran or deceased CAF member (or the legal guardian if the orphan is under the age of 18)

*Someone who lived in Canada for at least 183 days (6 months) in the previous fiscal year (April 1-March 31).

Q3. How do I apply for the Veterans Emergency Fund?

You can apply by submitting an Application for Veterans Emergency Fund – VAC1571 via:

If you have any questions or need help completing the application, please contact us at 1-866-522-2122 or send a My VAC Account secure message. We will contact you to answer your questions.

Q4. What information do I need to apply for the Veterans Emergency Fund?

You will need to provide the following information as part of a Veterans Emergency Fund application:

1. Verification of Identity

If this is your first time applying to a VAC program, we will need proof of identity (e.g., driver’s license). You may also be asked for:

  • provincial healthcare card (excluding Alberta and Manitoba)
  • other provincial identification cards
  • certificate of Indian status
  • vital statistics documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate)
  • employee identification card (federal, provincial, or municipal)
  • Canadian passport
  • other federal identification cards

2. Veteran’s Service

If we have not verified your (or the Veteran’s) service, you will need to provide all the following information:

  • full name
  • service number
  • date of birth
  • date of Veteran's death (if the applicant is a survivor or orphan).

3. Financial Emergency

You may need to provide information about the financial emergency. For example:

  • quotes
  • financial statements
  • letters (i.e., disconnection/eviction notices)

We may request additional information and we will call you to discuss your situation.

Q5. I am a Veteran’s spouse, common-law partner, survivor, or orphan. Do I still need to submit the Veteran's service information?

Yes. In all cases, we need to verify the Veteran's service with the Department of National Defence, and/or Library and Archives Canada prior to processing an application.

Please see Question 4 for more information about what is required to apply for the fund.

We will work with you to find a way to secure your service information by working with the Department of National Defence and the local Transition Centre.

Q6. Do I need to be receiving benefits from Veterans Affairs Canada to apply?

No. You do not need to be a current recipient of our services or benefits to qualify.

Q7. Can I apply for the Veterans Emergency Fund without proof of identity?

We need to verify your identity. Our priority is to ensure that you receive financial help when you need it. We will work with you to find a way to prove your identity by working with the Department of National Defence and the local Transition Centre.

Q8. What is an emergency for the Veterans Emergency Fund?

An emergency is a situation caused by a specific event or unexpected circumstances that requires immediate financial support.

Q9. What is an essential need for the Veterans Emergency Fund?

An essential need is a service or item that, if removed or unavailable, would have an immediate and negative impact on the applicant’s health and well-being. Each application will be reviewed based on your unique circumstances.

Q10. What essential needs can be funded under the Veterans Emergency Fund?

The Veterans Emergency Fund exists to help Veterans and their families cover the cost of essential needs. This could include:

  • food
  • clothing
  • shelter
  • medical/dental expenses (uninsured)
  • personal care items

These are not considered essential needs:

  • expenses of an ongoing nature (unless there is a disconnection notice or foreclosure notice)
  • business related activities
  • vacation
  • funds for entertainment
  • gifts
  • credit card bills
  • banking fees
  • legal fees
  • taxes and fines
  • elective surgery
  • veterinarian bills

Please note: Your personal circumstances and demonstrated need will be considered.

Q11. Can I apply for the Veterans Emergency Fund for urgent costs related to my children?

Yes. Essential needs related to dependents may be funded, if they are not covered by other benefits or plans (i.e., one-time payment of a medication for an ill child).

Q12. How much can I receive under the Veterans Emergency Fund?

There is a maximum amount of $2,500 payable per Veteran per household per fiscal year (April 1 – March 31). In exceptional circumstances, this amount may be exceeded.

Q13. How long will it take to receive a Veterans Emergency Fund decision and payment?

You will receive a decision within one to two business days once we receive a completed application with all the required supporting documentation.

If your application is approved, a payment will be processed within one to two business days.

Q14. How will the Veterans Emergency Fund be paid?

If your application is approved, we will work with you to determine which of the following payment methods is best, based on your situation:

  • credit card to a third-party
  • cheque to a third-party
  • direct deposit to you
  • cheque to you

Q15. I am currently living outside of Canada. Can I be approved for the Veterans Emergency Fund?

The Veterans Emergency Fund is available to those who have resided in Canada for at least 183 days during the previous fiscal year (April 1 – March 31). If you are temporarily outside of Canada, you may qualify based on the duration of your absence.

Scenario (hypothetical): A Veteran who travels to Florida for the winter, but spends April to December in Canada, qualifies for the Veterans Emergency Fund because they are in the country more than 183 days during a fiscal year.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-866-522-2122 or send a My VAC Account secure message.

Q16. Will I have to pay back a Veterans Emergency Fund payment?

No. A Veterans Emergency Fund payment is a grant and not a loan. The funds are non-taxable, and you do not need to report them on your income tax.

Q17. Can the Veterans Emergency Fund cover recurring payments?

No. The Veterans Emergency Fund is to help Veterans and their families with their immediate needs. If you need financial help in the future, you can apply again at that time. However, if you received a notice of foreclosure or discontinuation for an essential utility, funds to cover your current essential needs can be considered.

Q18. Can the Veterans Emergency Fund help me to pay back borrowed funds?

No. The intent of the Veterans Emergency Fund is to provide one-time payments to Veterans and their families to financially assist them in an emergency situation. The fund cannot be used to re-pay borrowed funds. If you are struggling financially because you paid back borrowed money, funds to cover your current essential needs can be considered.

Scenario (hypothetical): A Veteran borrowed money to repair their home’s furnace and no longer has funds to feed themselves and/or their family. The Veteran may have funds approved for food, but not for the reimbursement of the furnace.

Q19. Can I access the Veterans Emergency Fund outside of VAC’s office hours?

No. Our working hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm local time, minus statutory holidays.

However, if you are experiencing a crisis that is threatening your health and well-being outside of these hours, please contact the VAC Assistance Line at 1-800-268-7708 to speak to a mental health professional. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for CAF Veterans and their families. The provider will assess your needs during the call and redirect you to the proper emergency service to help you. The service is free and confidential.

Q20. Why is the Veterans Emergency Fund not available to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) members?

We do not have an agreement with the RCMP to provide the Veterans Emergency Fund to current or former RCMP members. If a RCMP member is also a Veteran of the CAF, they can apply for funding.

RCMP members can apply for emergency funding through the Legion.

Q21. Can I appeal a Veterans Emergency Fund decision?

If you are unsatisfied with your decision, you can request a Reconsideration in writing within 60 days of receiving your decision by sending a secure message through your My VAC Account or by mailing it to:

Veterans Affairs Canada
Benefits Program Officer, Veterans Emergency Fund
Benefits Adjudicating and Processing
PO Box 6000
Matane QC G4W 0E4

We will render Reconsideration decisions within two business days from the day we receive your request in writing. No additional information can be submitted for a Reconsideration decision. If you have other supporting information, please complete a new application.

All Reconsideration decisions are final.

Q22. Are there other funding sources available to me if I require financial assistance?

Yes. There are VAC-administered Trust Funds available to Veterans and their families. Each Trust Fund has specific eligibility criteria.

Please contact us at 1-866-522-2122 or send an My VAC Account secure message for more information.

Q23. How will VAC assist me over the long-term?

Every situation is unique. Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. After you have submitted a Veterans Emergency Fund application, we will refer you to other internal and external programs to assist you in the long-term. The Benefits Navigator is an online questionnaire that can help you identify other appropriate VAC programs and services.

Q24. Where can I get help with financial management and planning?

Please take a look at VAC’s Financial Management webpage which provides links to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and Credit Counselling Canada. These organizations provide free bilingual resources such as budgeting tools, videos on financial management, and one-on-one financial/credit counselling.

VAC will reimburse up to $500 for Veterans to access financial counselling from a provider of their choice when they receive a Pain and Suffering Compensation payment of at least 5 percent.