Detention benefit

Are you a Veteran or a CAF member who was detained by an enemy or terrorist group? If you are, you may qualify for a tax-free lump-sum payment.

About this program

The Detention Benefit is a tax-free lump-sum payment for Veterans or CAF members who were detained by an enemy, opposing force or terrorist group while serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Do you qualify?

You should apply for the Detention Benefit if you:

  • Were detained by an enemy, opposing force or terrorist group, or
  • evaded capture or escaped from an enemy, opposing force or terrorist group.

The minimum period of time spent in captivity, or evading capture, required to qualify for the Detention Benefit is 30 days.

If your period of detention began before April 2006 you do not qualify for this benefit, but you may qualify for Prisoner of War Compensation.

How to apply

Apply online

If you are registered for My VAC Account, you can submit your application for this benefit online. If you aren't registered, you can register now.

My VAC Account

Mail or in person

Download the application form. Then, drop it off at a VAC office or CAF Transition Centre. You can also mail your completed form directly to the address listed on the form.

Go to form

Get help with your application

The staff at any VAC office or CAF Transition Centre can assist you, or call us at 1-866-522-2122.

Additional information

Find out more

The Detention Benefit can be paid to a qualifying member or Veteran’s estate if they had a last will and testament.

Related programs

Prisoner of War Compensation - Monthly payments for a Veteran, including merchant navy, who was a prisoner of war during the Second World War or the Korean War.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a policy for this program?

Yes. Read more about the Detention Benefit policy.