John Hare

Oro Station, Ontario

Mr. Hare is a Second World War Naval Veteran. He has been an active member of Col. Alex Thomson Branch #82 of The Royal Canadian Legion in Port Credit for 65 years and is a Life Member. Mr. Hare was on the Executive for more than 10 years and was president in 1963 and 1964. In the 1960s, he worked tirelessly to have land for a new Legion hall donated by the town for $1. He helped raise funds to design and build the new hall, a focal point for local Veterans. He has attended and spoken at annual Remembrance Day activities and services, and has provided donations to the Legion for Veterans in need. As a member of the Board of Trustees for HMCS Sackville in Halifax, he has participated in commemorative and fundraising activities and has contributed articles to their monthly newsletter. For the opening of the Juno Beach Centre, he travelled to France and successfully lobbied to have a plaque erected. During Veterans' Week, Mr. Hare visits local schools to speak with students about the achievements of Canadian Veterans.