Veterans Well-being Act Changes April 2024: Impacts to CAF Long Term Disability Benefits and Services

Q1. What has changed in the Veterans Well-being Act?

A1. As part of Pension for Life, gradual changes to the Veterans Well-being Act (VWA) were implemented  to VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program.

As of 1 April 2024, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members who are medically releasing for health problems not resulting primarily from service will receive all eligible services (vocational, long-term disability, and rehabilitation services) through CAF Long Term Disability (LTD) instead of through VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program (RSVP).

Q2. What impact will this have on Veterans?

A2. Veterans who medically released prior to 1 April 2024 for health problems not resulting primarily from service and who are currently participating in our Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program will continue to receive medical and psychosocial rehabilitation services from VAC. Rehabilitation services will continue to be provided until their rehabilitation plan is either completed or cancelled.

These changes only impact Veterans who, as of 1 April 2024, were medically released for conditions not resulting primarily from service and are not currently participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program.

This change simplifies how CAF members who are medically releasing for health problems not resulting primarily from service receive benefits and support, as all services are provided by CAF LTD. This coordinated approach is part of VAC and DND’s ongoing efforts to create a unified and integrated transition process that supports all releasing CAF members, Veterans, and their families.

VAC and DND case managers continue to collaborate together to help Veterans navigate the transition process and apply for benefits and services.

Q3. Why did this change happen?

A3. Veterans have conveyed the need to streamline VAC/CAF programs. This change simplifies the process for CAF members who are medically releasing for health problems not resulting primarily from service, as their benefits and support will now be provided by CAF LTD in an effort to streamline services. The goal is to reduce confusion and any duplication of services.

Q4. Should all medically releasing CAF members (including those released due to a health problem resulting primarily from service) apply for the Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program?

A4. Yes. All medically releasing CAF members are encouraged to apply for benefits and services through both CAF LTD and VAC. Medically releasing members and Veterans are encouraged to become familiar with the benefits offered by both of these organizations to fully understand what is available to them.

If Veterans have questions about which services and benefits they are eligible for, they can use our Benefits Navigator tool or contact VAC.

Q5. What is the difference between VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program and the CAF Long Term Disability program?

A5. VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program (RSVP) provides rehabilitation services to Veterans who have health problems resulting primarily from service that are creating barriers to re-establishment during life after service. Veterans who participate in RSVP have access to medical, psychosocial, and vocational services to address any barriers created by the eligible health problems. Veterans work with their Case Manager and Rehabilitation Services Specialists to help determine their needs, develop a rehabilitation plan and participate in required services.

Applying to the RSVP is voluntary. Once eligible, full participation in the program is required to continue to receive the associated services.

CAF LTD is available to all eligible medically releasing CAF members and non-medically releasing members based on an assessment by the CAF of total disability. The CAF LTD provides case management of LTD files including adjudication, the setup and payment of LTD income replacement benefits, and the administration of claimant medical reviews.

When approved for CAF LTD, Veterans have access to the CAF LTD Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VRP). The CAF LTD VRP oversees supports and funding for eligible members in areas such as claimant vocational evaluations, employment assistance and vocational retraining up to six months before the Veteran’s release date. Participation in the CAF LTD VRP is voluntary and not required in order to receive other CAF LTD benefits.

Depending on your needs, you may receive coordinated services through both VAC and CAF LTD. We encourage you to apply to RSVP and CAF LTD so that you receive all the services you’re eligible for. With your consent, CAF and VAC will collaborate to ensure your health needs are supported.

Q6. How can I find out more about RSVP and CAF LTD?

A6. We encourage you to meet with your CAF and VAC Case Managers, attend Second Career Assistance Network (SCAN) seminars, and participate in transition briefings to learn about which benefits and services are right for you.

Learn more about VAC’s RSVP and CAF LTD:

Q7. How does VAC determine eligibility for the RSVP?

A7. To determine a Veteran’s eligibility for the RSVP, VAC considers several factors relevant to each application, including, but not limited to:

  • medical reports or records that document the Veteran’s physical or mental health problem;
  • records on the nature of their service;
  • other medical documentation provided Veterans.

Q8. How does CAF LTD determine if a health problem is non service attributable?

A8. CAF LTD Case Managers assess CAF members’ eligibility for income replacement benefits, including if their conditions are deemed to be service attributable or non-service attributable. From the date of release and as the claim continues, CAF LTD Case Managers determine the ongoing eligibility for benefits and associated services based on the Veteran’s medical conditions and ability to return to gainful employment. If you have any questions about CAF LTD, please call 1-800-565-0701.

Q9. How does VAC determine if a health problem is resulting primarily from service?

A9. To determine if a Veteran’s health problem is resulting primarily from service, VAC may consider any factors relevant to each individual application, including medical reports of records that document the Veteran’s physical or mental health problem(s), records on the nature of their service, other medical documentation provided by the Veteran, and more.

Q10. When should I apply to the Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program (RSVP)?

A10. If you think you would benefit from rehabilitation services, we encourage you to apply once you

gather all of the information needed to complete the application. If you are still serving, please apply

when you have a certified release date. Visit our website for more information and how to apply.

Q11. Does the type of medical release matter to qualify for the Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program (RSVP)?

A11. You can apply to the RSVP at any time after leaving the military. Eligibility is not determined by the type of release but rather by having a current health problem resulting primarily from service and that creates barriers to re-establishment in your home, your community, and your vocational life.