Chapter 22 - Skin Impairment

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This chapter provides criteria for assessing permanent impairment from entitled skin conditions.

Skin conditions vary widely in severity over periods of time; therefore, when assessing a permanent impairment of the skin, consideration must be given to the pattern of the signs and symptoms of the skin condition.

Various factors are used to determine the level of skin impairment. These factors include:

  • The nature of the skin condition(s). Skin conditions that scale, weep, crust, bleed or that cause fissures or erosions warrant a higher impairment rating.
  • The symptoms presented. Skin conditions that are pruritic and/or cause discomfort/pain warrant a higher impairment rating.
  • The extent of skin involved. In general, the greater the surface area involved, the greater the impairment rating.
  • The location of the lesion(s). In general, skin conditions of the face and hands warrant a higher impairment rating than those elsewhere on the body.
  • The treatment required. In general, skin conditions that require continuous treatment warrant a higher rating than those that require only intermittent or no treatment. Skin conditions that require systemic treatment instead of or in addition to topical treatment warrant a higher rating than those requiring topical treatment alone.

When assessing a permanent impairment of the skin, the functional loss includes disfigurement.

Skin conditions with complications of severe systemic or life threatening infections are rated on individual merits.

An additional rating may be obtained from Chapter 17, Musculoskeletal Impairment in cases where skin conditions result in scarring and contractures causing a loss of joint function.

A rating is not given from this chapter for the conditions listed below. Each bullet indicates the appropriate chapter to be used.

  • Impairment from skin conditions caused by varicose veins, peripheral vascular arterial disease and deep vein thrombosis is rated within Chapter 13, Hypertension and Vascular Impairment.
  • Impairment from diabetic foot ulcers is rated within Chapter 15, Endocrine and Metabolic Impairment.
  • Impairment from skin conditions as a result of osteomyelitis is rated within Chapter 17, Musculoskeletal Impairment.

Impairment from malignant skin conditions is rated within Chapter 18, Malignant Impairment. Follow the steps contained within the Malignant Impairment chapter.

Rating Tables

This chapter contains six "Loss of Function" tables, three "Other Impairment" tables and one diagram, the "Rule of Nines" which may be used to rate entitled skin conditions.

The tables and diagram within this chapter are:
Table Loss of Function Other Impairment
Table 22.2 Loss of Function - Skin - Hands This table is used to rate impairment from skin conditions of the hands.
Table 22.3 Loss of Function - Skin - Feet This table is used to rate impairment from skin conditions of the feet.
Table 22.4 Loss of Function - Skin - Genitalia This table is used to rate impairment from skin conditions of the genitalia.
Table 22.5 Loss of Function - Skin - Generalized This table is used to rate impairment from generalized skin conditions.
Table 22.6 Loss of Function - Nails This table is used to rate impairment from nail conditions.
Table 22.7 Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Face This table is used to rate impairment from superficial gunshot wounds and scars of the face.
Table 22.8 Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Hands This table is used to rate impairment from superficial gunshot wounds and scars of the hands.
Table 22.9 Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Other This table is used to rate impairment from superficial gunshot wounds and scars other than of the face and hands.
Diagram 22A Rule of Nines This diagram is used to estimate the percent of affected body surface.

Loss of Function - Skin - Face and Scalp

Table 22.1 is used to rate impairment from skin conditions of the face and scalp. This table has three columns. One rating is chosen from each of the three columns. All three ratings are added to arrive at the Table 22.1 rating.

When entitled skin conditions of the face and scalp result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Loss of Function - Skin - Hands

Table 22.2 is used to rate impairment from skin conditions of the hands. The hands are rated together. This table has three columns. One rating is chosen from each of the three columns. All three ratings are added to arrive at the Table 22.2 rating.

When entitled skin conditions of the hands result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Loss of Function - Skin - Feet

Table 22.3 is used to rate impairment from skin conditions of the feet. The feet are rated together. This table has three columns. One rating is chosen from each of the three columns. All three ratings are added to arrive at the Table 22.3 rating.

When entitled skin conditions of the feet result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Loss of Function - Skin - Genitalia

Table 22.4 is used to rate impairment from skin conditions of the genitalia/perineum. This table has three columns. One rating is chosen from each of the three columns. All three ratings are then added to arrive at the Table 22.4 rating.

When entitled skin conditions of the genitalia result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Loss of Function - Skin - Generalized

Table 22.5 is used to rate impairment from generalized skin conditions. This table has three columns. One rating is chosen from each of the three columns. All three ratings areadded to arrive at the Table 22.5 rating.

This table is used to determine an impairment rating in the following circumstances:

  • The entitled skin condition affects an area not rated by a site specific table within this chapter; and/or
  • Two or more specific body areas (excluding the nails) are affected by the same entitled skin condition.

To determine the extent of skin involvement for Table 22.5, Diagram 22A, the "Rule of Nines", is utilized. The "Rule of Nines" figure divides the entire body skin surface into sections where each section equals a percentage of total body surface area, as noted below:

  • head and neck - 9%
  • each hand and arm - 9%
  • palmar surface of hand - 1%
  • each foot and leg - 18% (9% anterior foot and leg; 9% posterior foot and leg)
  • anterior trunk - 18%
  • posterior trunk (including buttocks) - 18%
  • perineum - 1%.

Note: Approximations must be carried out when applying the "Rule of Nines" when only a portion of a body surface area is involved.

When entitled generalized skin conditions result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Loss of Function - Nails

Table 22.6 is used to rate impairment from nail conditions on the hands and the feet. This table has two columns. One rating is chosen from each of the two columns. Both ratings are added to arrive at the Table 22.6 rating.

When entitled nail conditions result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the pensioned condition(s) rated within this table.

Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Face

Table 22.7 is used to rate impairment from superficial gunshot wounds and scars of the face. Total surface area of all scars on the face is used to determine the extent of skin involvement. This table has two columns. One rating is chosen from each of the two columns. Both ratings are added to arrive at the Table 22.7 rating.

* Burn scars are rated from the site specific tables and/or Table 22.5 - Skin - Generalized within this chapter. Burn scars are not rated from Table 22.7.

When entitled superficial gunshot wounds and scars of the face and scalp result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Hands

Table 22.7 is used to rate impairment from superficial gunshot wounds and scars of the hands. Total surface area of all scars on the hands is used to determine the extent of skin involvement. This table has two columns. One rating is chosen from each of the two columns. Both ratings are added to arrive at the Table 22.8 rating.

* Burn scars are rated from the site specific tables and/or Table 22.5 - Skin - Generalized within this chapter. Burn scars are not rated from Table 22.8.

When entitled superficial gunshot wounds and scars of the hands result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Other

Table 22.9 is used to rate impairment from superficial gunshot wounds and scars other than of the face and hands. Total surface area of all scars other than of the face and hands is used to determine the extent of skin involvement. This table has two columns. One rating is chosen from each of the two columns. Both ratings are added to arrive at the Table 22.9 rating.

* Graft and skin donor site conditions are rated from this table.

* Scars of the scalp are rated in Table 22.9.

* Burn scars are rated from the site specific tables and/or Table 22.5 - Skin - Generalized within this chapter. Burn scars are not rated from Table 22.9.

When entitled superficial gunshot wounds and scars of areas, other than the face and hands, result in permanent impairment of other organ systems, a consequential entitlement decision is required. If awarded, the resulting impairment of that organ system(s) will be rated using the applicable body system specific table(s).

If non-entitled conditions or conditions rated within another chapter/table of the Table of Disabilities are contributing to the overall impairment, then the Partially Contributing Table (PCT) must be applied to arrive at the rating which is due to the entitled condition(s) rated within this table.

Table 22.1 - Loss of Function - Skin - Face and Scalp

Only one rating may be given from a column in Table 22.1 for each entitled condition. If more than one rating is applicable for an entitled condition within a column, the highest is selected. The ratings from each column are added for each entitled condition.

Male pattern baldness is assessed at nil.

Table 22.1 - Loss of Function - Skin - Face and Scalp
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms Treatment

Burn scar, well healed, non-adherent, no loss of subcutaneous tissue; or

No pruritus, pain, discomfort or scaling present. No weeping, oozing, ulceration, blistering (bulla), crusting nor fissuring.

No treatment required.


Minimal burn scar or rash involving up to 1/8 of scalp or face.


Oral antihistamines and/or topical therapy required.


Greater than 1/8 to 1/4 face and/or 1/4 scalp.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue or loss of subcutaneous tissue.

Systemic (excluding antihistamines) and/or surgical and/or laser and/or ultraviolet therapy required on a regular, ongoing basis.


Greater than 1/4 to 1/2face and/or scalp.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; and
Oozing and/or ulceration and/or blistering (bulla) and/or crusting and/or weeping and/or fissuring with or without secondary infection; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue and loss of subcutaneous tissue; or

Scalp alopecia (other than male pattern baldness).


More than 1/2 face and/or more than 1/2 scalp.

Alopecia (scalp and all facial hair).


Steps to Determine Skin (Face and Scalp) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.1 (Loss of Function - Skin - Face and Scalp).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to rating at Step 4.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.2 - Loss of Function - Skin - Hands

Only one rating may be given from a column in Table 22.2 for each entitled condition. The hands are rated together. If more than one rating is applicable for an entitled condition within a column, the highest is selected. The ratings from each column are added for each entitled condition.

Table 22.2 - Loss of Function - Skin - Hands
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms Treatment

Burn scar, well healed, non-adherent, no loss of subcutaneous tissue; or

No pruritus, pain, discomfort or scaling present. No weeping, oozing, ulceration, blistering (bulla), crusting nor fissuring.

No treatment or intermittent treatment required.


Minimal burn scar and/or rash involving up to 1/4 of hands.


Oral antihistamines and/or topical therapy required.


Greater than 1/4 up to 1/2 of hands.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue or loss of subcutaneous tissue.

Systemic (excluding antihistamines) and/or surgical and/or laser and/or ultraviolet therapy required on a reqular ongoing basis.


Greater than 1/2 to 3/4 of hands.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; and

Oozing and/or ulceration and/or blistering (bulla) and/or crusting and/or weeping and/or fissuring with or without secondary infection; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue and loss of subcutaneous tissue.


More than 3/4 of hands.


Steps to Determine Skin (Hands) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.2 (Loss of Function - Skin - Hands).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to Step 4 rating.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.3 - Loss of Function - Skin - Feet

Only one rating may be given from a column in Table 22.3 for each entitled condition. The feet are rated together. If more than one rating is applicable for an entitled condition within a column, the highest is selected. The ratings from each column are added for each entitled condition.

Table 22.3 - Loss of Function - Skin - Feet
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms Treatment

Burn scar, well healed, non-adherent, no loss of subcutaneous tissue; or

No pruritus, pain, discomfort, or scaling present. No weeping, oozing, ulceration, blistering, (bulla), crusting, nor fissuring.

No treatment or intermittent treatment required.


Minimal burn scar and/or rash involving up to 1/4 of feet.


Oral antihistamines and/or topical therapy required.


Greater than 1/4 to 1/2 of feet.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue or loss of subcutaneous tissue.

Systemic (excluding antihistamines) and/or surgical and/or laser and/or ultraviolet therapy required on regular ongoing basis.


Greater than 1/2 to 3/4 of feet.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; and

Weeping and/or oozing and/or ulceration and/or blistering and/or crusting and/or fissuring with or without secondary infections; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue and loss of subcutaneous tissue.


More than 3/4 of feet.


Steps to Determine Skin (Feet) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.3 (Loss of Function - Feet).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to Step 4 rating.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.4 - Loss of Function - Skin - Genitalia

Only one rating may be given from a column in Table 22.4 for each entitled condition. If more than one rating is applicable for an entitled condition within a column, the highest is selected. The ratings from each column are added for each entitled condition.

Table 22.4 - Loss of Function - Skin - Genitalia
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms Treatment

Burn scar, well healed, non-adherent, no loss of subcutaneous tissue; or

No pruritus, pain, discomfort or scaling present. No weeping, oozing, ulceration, blistering (bulla), crusting nor fissuring.

No treatment or intermittent treatment required.


Minimal burn scar and/or rash and involving up to 1/8 of genitalia and/or perineum.


Oral antihistamines and/or topical therapy required.


Greater than 1/8 up to 1/4 of genitalia and/or perineum.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue or loss of subcutaneous tissue.

Systemic (excluding antihistamines) and/or surgical and/or laser and/or ultraviolet therapy required on a reqular ongoing basis.


Greater than 1/4 to 1/2 of genitalia and/or perineum.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; and

Oozing and/or ulceration and/or blistering (bulla) and/or crusting and/or weeping and/or fissuring with or without secondary infection; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue and loss of subcutaneous tissue.


Greater than 1/2 of genitalia and/or perineum.


Steps to Determine Skin (Genitalia) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine rating from Table 22.4 (Loss of Function - Genitalia).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to rating at Step 4.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.5 - Loss of Function - Skin - Generalized

Only one rating may be given from a column in Table 22.5 for each entitled condition. If more than one rating is applicable for an entitled condition within a column, the highest is selected. The ratings from each column are added for each entitled condition.

Diagram 22A, the "Rule of Nines" is used to determine the extent of skin involvement in Table 22.5. Approximations may be necessary when using the "Rule of Nines" when only a portion of body surface area is involved.

Table 22.5 - Loss of Function - Skin - Generalized
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms Treatment

No pruritus, pain, discomfort or scaling present. No weeping, oozing, ulceration, blistering (bulla), crusting nor fissuring.

No treatment required.


Minimal burn scar and/or rash less than 3 square inches (18.75 cm2).

Burn scar, well healed, non-tender, non-adherent, no loss of subcutaneous tissue.

Oral antihistamines and/or topical therapy required.


Greater than 3 square inches (18.75 cm2) and up to 18% of skin surface.

Pruritus and/or pain and/or discomfort and/or scaling; or

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue or loss of subcutaneous tissue; or

Alopecia (patchy loss of body hair).


19 to 27% of skin surface.

Burn scar adherent to underlying tissue and there is loss of subcutaneous tissue.


Oozing and/or ulceration and/or blistering (bulla) and/or crusting and/or weeping and/or fissuring with or without secondary infection; or

Alopecia universalis.

Systemic (excluding antihistamines) and/or surgical and/or laser and/or ultraviolet therapy required on a reqular ongoing basis.


28 to 36% of skin surface.


37 to 45% of skin surface.


46% to 54% of skin surface.


Greater than 54% of skin surface.


Steps to Determine Skin (Generalized) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.5 (Loss of Function - Skin - Generalized).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to rating at Step 4.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.6 - Loss of Function - Nails

Only one rating may be given from each column in Table 22.6 regardless of the number of entitled conditions to be rated. If more than one rating is applicable within a column, the highest is selected as the column rating. The ratings from each column are added.

Table 22.6 - Loss of Function - Nails
Rating Extent of Involvement Treatment

No current active involvement.

No treatment required.


Involvement of up to 3 nails total on hands and/or feet.

Prescribed treatment required on an intermittent basis.


Involvement of more than 3 nails total on hands and/or feet.

Prescribed treatment required on a regular ongoing basis.

Steps to Determine Nail Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.6 (Loss of Function - Nails).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to rating at Step 4.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.7 - Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Face

Only one rating may be given from each column in Table 22.7 regardless of the number of entitled conditions to be rated. If more than one rating is applicable within a column, the highest is selected as the column rating. The ratings from each column are added.

Table 22.7 - Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Face
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms

Tenderness may be present.


Scar(s) up to or equal to 1/2 square inch (1.5 cm2).


Scar(s) greater than 1/2 square inch (1.5 cm2) but less than 1 square inch (6.5 cm2).

Adherence to underlying tissue; or Loss of subcutaneous tissue; or Keloid formation.


Scar(s) equal to or greater than 1 square inch (6.5 cm2).


Cases of severe disfigurement are rated on individual merits.

Steps to Determine Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars (Face) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.7 (Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Face).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to rating at Step 4.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.8 - Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Hands

Only one rating may be given from each column in Table 22.8 regardless of the number of entitled conditions to be rated. If more than one rating is applicable within a column, the highest is selected as the column rating. The ratings from each column are added.

Table 22.8 - Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Hands
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms

Scar(s) up to or equal to 1/2 square inch (1.5 cm2).

Tenderness may be present.


Scar(s) greater than 1/2 square inch (1.5 cm2) but less than 1 square inch (6.5 cm2).

Adherence to underlying tissue; or Loss of subcutaneous tissue; or Keloid formation.


Scar(s) equal to or greater than 1 square inch (6.5 cm2).


Steps to Determine Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars (Hands) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.7 (Other Impairment Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Hands).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to rating at Step 4.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Table 22.9 - Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Other

Only one rating may be given from each column in Table 22.9 regardless of the number of entitled conditions to be rated. If more than one rating is applicable within a column, the highest is selected as the column rating. The ratings from each column are added.

Table 22.9 - Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Other
Rating Extent of Skin Involvement Signs and Symptoms

Scar(s) up to or equal to 1 square inch (6.5 cm2).

Tenderness may be present.


Scar(s) greater than 1 square inch (6.5 cm2) but less than 2 square inch (12.9 cm2).

Adherence to underlying tissue; or Loss of subcutaneous tissue; or Keloid formation.


Scar(s) equal to or greater than 2 square inch (12.9 cm2).


Steps to Determine Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars (Other) Impairment Assessment

  • Step 1: Determine the rating from Table 22.9 (Other Impairment - Superficial Gunshot Wounds and Scars - Other).
  • Step 2: Does the Partially Contributing Table apply? If yes, then apply to rating at Step 1.
  • Step 3: Determine the Quality of Life rating.
  • Step 4: Add the ratings at Step 2 and Step 3.
  • Step 5: If partial entitlement exists, apply to rating at Step 4.

This is the Disability Assessment.

Diagram 22A - Estimating Percent of Affected Body

Estimating Percent of Affected Body
Body Part Estimating Percent of Affected Body

Entire Head


Upper Back


Anterior Torso


Lower Back


Anterior Abdomen


Entire Arm




Anterior Leg


Posterior Leg
