Neil Jarvie

Mr. Jarvie is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran. He is a member of Branch 11of The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) in Trail. He has served in a number of executive positions including president and past-president. He is currently the chair of a committee that assists Veterans and other members with funerals, and he officiates at these services whenever called upon. As a member of the Branch Bursary Committee, he helps review applications for awards. Mr. Jarvie is a co-chairperson of the Branch and Ladies Auxiliary team and of the Relay for Life Cancer fund-raising event. Mr. Jarvie attends local parades and events and carries the Branch Colours. He assists the Branch and the Ladies Auxiliary with equipment arrangements, and he supports the activities and events in both organizations. Mr. Jarvie was an active member of the Trail Cenotaph Revitalization Project and of the Convention Committee for the B.C. and Yukon Command 2009 Provincial Convention. For the last 10 years, Mr. Jarvie has held the position of Zone Poppy Chairperson.