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Page 121 from book:
War of 1812

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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • March 9
  • August 12
  • August 13
  • December 3

Names on this page

  1. Landsman
    Taylor, Peter
    HM Brig Lady Prevost
    10 September 1813

  2. Private
    Taylor, Robert
    5 July 1814

  3. Private
    Taylor, William Elisha
    104th (New Brunswick) Regiment of Foot
    5 May 1813

  4. Private
    Teal, Lawrence
    Third Regiment Lincoln Militia
    9 January 1813

  5. Private
    Teal, Zachariah
    Third Regiment Lincoln Militia
    17 January 1813

  6. Private
    Teeter, Abraham
    Fourth Regiment Lincoln Militia
    25 July 1814

  7. Private
    Teeter, Michael
    Fourth Regiment Lincoln Militia
    5 July 1814

  8. Private
    Ten Eyck, John
    Fourth Battalion, Montreal Townships Militia
    8 November 1813

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