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Page 86 from book:
In the Service of Canada (1947 – 2014)

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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • February 15
  • July 9
  • July 10

About the names on this page

For more information about the individuals listed on this page, click on their names below to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial.

  1. Flight Lieutenant
    Patkau, Burton Henry
    442 "City of Vancouver" (Fighter) Squadron
    13 January 1957

  2. Flying Officer
    Cherewick, Boris William
    No. 2 Air Observer School
    5 February 1957

  3. Wing Commander
    Johnson, Walter Sherwood , CD
    Central Experimental and Proving Establishment, RCAF
    1 March 1957

  4. Flight Lieutenant
    Mawson, John Douglas , DFC, CD
    Air Materiel Command Headquarters
    1 March 1957

  5. Sapper
    Vézina, René Herménégiles
    Corps royal du génie canadien
    9 March 1957

  6. Flying Officer
    Wilson, William Blythe
    421 (Fighter) Squadron
    14 March 1957

  7. Acting Sub-Lieutenant
    Bissett, Conrad Robert
    871 Squadron, RCN
    14 May 1957

  8. Wing Commander
    McLeish, Wallace Angus Greyton , DFC, CD, AFC
    440 All Weather (Fighter) Squadron
    20 June 1957

  9. Flying Officer
    Coleman, Leo Shelley
    422 (Fighter) Squadron
    2 September 1957

  10. Flying Officer
    Dougall, Robert Clair
    432 All Weather Fighter Squadron
    5 September 1957

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