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Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Argyle Clayton Harrison

In memory of:

Lance Corporal Argyle Clayton Harrison

December 19, 1941
Lye Mun, Hong Kong

Military Service

Service Number:







Royal Rifles of Canada, R.C.I.C.


War Medal 1939-1945, Pacific Star, 1939-1945 Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp

Additional Information


July 21, 1922
Bury, Quebec


August 1, 1940
Bury, Quebec

Son of James Douglas Harrison and Isabel May Cameron (1981 National Memorial (Silver) Cross Mother) of Bury, Quebec.

Brother of Rifleman Edmond Cameron Harrison, who died in captivity in Japan.

Commemorated on Page 32 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance. Request a copy of this page. Download high resolution copy of this page.

Burial Information


Victoria, Hong Kong

Grave Reference:

Column 23.


This SAI WAN MEMORIAL honours over 2,000 men of the land forces of the British Commonwealth and Empire who died in the defence of Hong Kong during the Second World War. The SAI WAN MEMORIAL is in the form of a shelter building 24 metres long and 5.5 metres wide. It stands at the entrance to Sai Wan Bay War Cemetery, outside Victoria, the capital of Hong Kong. From the semi-circular forecourt, two wide openings lead to the interior of the building. The names are inscribed on panels of Portland stone. The dedicatory inscription reads:

1939 - 1945 The officers and men whose memory is honoured here died in the defence of Hong Kong in December 1941 and in the ensuing years of captivity and have no known grave.

The northern side of the Memorial is open and four granite piers support the copper roof. From a commanding position 305 metres above sea level, it looks out over the War Cemetery where some 1,500 men lie buried, and across the water to Mainland China - a magnificent view of sea and mountains. The Cape Collinson area has many cemeteries. Walking up this narrow one-way traffic road, one will pass the Catholic Cemetery situated on the hillside to the left of the road, and the Hong Kong Military Cemetery on the right. Sai Wan War Cemetery is about half way up Cape Collinson Road and faces the Muslim and Buddhist cemeteries. One can also get a taxi from Chai Wan Terminus and follow the same route. Alternatively, one can board a public light bus, Route No.16M, which runs from Chai Wan MTR Terminus to Stanley. En route to Stanley the minibus will pass Sai Wan War Cemetery.

Information courtesy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Digital Collection

Send us your images

  • Newspaper clipping– Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Photo of ARGYLE CLAYTON HARRISON– Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Newspaper clipping– Isabel Harrison was the National Silver Cross Mother in 1981. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Newspaper clipping– Isabel Harrison was the National Silver Cross Mother in 1981. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Photo of Argyle Clayton Harrison– This photo shows Cameron (left) and Argyle Harrison. The IDs were written on the photo by my mother, Marjorie Elliot, who was a 2nd cousin of the brothers and knew them. You already have a photo on this web page that was excerpted from this larger photo, but it shows Cameron. As you can see, Argyle's face is a better match with the newspaper photo also on the web page. Cameron was also at Hong Kong. He is sometimes listed as Edmond C. Harrison, but he went by his middle name. It would be appropriate to add his photo to the web page you have for him.
  • Memorial– Lance Corporal ARGYLE CLAYTON HARRISON is one of 18 members of the Royal Rifles of Canada, Royal Canadian Infantry Corps who are commemorated on this panel of the Sai Wan Memorial.  He was one of 290 Canadian soldiers killed during the defense of Hong Kong, from December 8th to December 25th, 1941.  According to information compiled by Vincent Lopata and posted at the Hong Kong Veteran¿s Commorative Association website, Lance Corporal HARRISON was murdered by the Japanese at the Salesian Massacre.
  • Inscription– Dedicatory inscription of the SAI WAN MEMORIAL.  This memorial  bears the names of more than 2,000 Commonwealth servicemen, including 228 Canadians.
  • Newspaper clipping– Lance Corporal ARGYLE CLAYTON HARRISON was reported Killed in Action in the Canadian Army's 244th overseas casualty list of the war published in the Globe and Mail on January 9, 1943.
  • Canada and the Defence of Hong Kong.– Source: Veterans Affairs Canada.
  • Canada and the Defence of Hong Kong.– Source: Veterans Affairs Canada.

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