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Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Louis Jules Rodolphe Lemieux

In memory of:

Lieutenant Louis Jules Rodolphe Lemieux

August 29, 1918

Military Service






Canadian Infantry (Quebec Regiment)


22nd Bn.


Chevalier de la Legion D'Honneur.

Honours and Awards:

Military Cross

Additional Information


April 27, 1898
Montreal, Quebec


June 8, 1917
Montreal, Quebec

Son of Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, M.P., and Berthe Jetté Lemieux, of Ottawa, Ontario.

Commemorated on Page 448 of the First World War Book of Remembrance. Request a copy of this page. Download high resolution copy of this page.

Burial Information


Pas de Calais, France

Grave Reference:

III. B. 20.


Ligny-St.Flochel is a village about 6.5 kilometres east of St.Pol on the main road to Arras. The distance from Ligny-St. Flochel to Arras is approximately 24 kilometres. The Ligny-St.Flochel British Cemetery is situated to the south of the village on the east side of the road to the village of Averdoingt.

Information courtesy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Digital Collection

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  • Poem
  • Memorial
  • Memorial– Transcription of the text that can be read at the top of the funeral monument of the Lemieux family: In memory of Louis Rodolphe Lemieux knight of the legion of honor. Military cross. Lieutenant in the 22nd C-F. Carried out the Amiens and Arras campaigns. Died on the field of Honour in Chérizy, France, on August 29, 1918 at the age of 20. "Tell them that I have done my duty".
  • Memorial
  • Newspaper clipping– La Presse September 3rd 1918
  • Newspaper clipping– Journal «Le Canada», 11 septembre 1918
  • Other– Vitrail à la mémoire de Rodolphe Lemieux dans l'église de Ligny-Saint- Flochel, en France, localité où est situé le cimetière militaire où il repose.
  • Photo of LOUIS JULES RODOLPHE LEMIEUX– Photo du Lieutenant Rodolphe Lemieux
  • Grave marker– Lemieux family memorial at Notre-Dame Cemetery in Ottawa (section U).
  • Newspaper clipping– From the British Whig, a Kingston, Ontario newspaper. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Newspaper clipping– From the Montreal Star c.1918. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Newspaper clipping– From the Montreal Star c.1918. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Newspaper clipping– From the Montreal Star c.1918. Submitted for the project Operation Picture Me
  • Photo of LOUIS JULES RODOLPHE LEMIEUX– Bishop University Mitre 1919

Late in the summer the sad news arrived of the death of Capt. Roddy Lemieux, Arts ’20, son of the Hon. Rodolph Lemieux, of Ottawa. The news came as a great shock to all of Roddy’s many friends in Lennoxville. A boy of high ideals, of sunny and amiable disposition, he endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact, both fellow-students and professors. He went overseas as Lieutenant, under Lieut.-Col. Blondin’s command, when scarcely eighteen years of age, and that he conducted himself as a man and a soldier is shown by the fact that he was promoted to a Captaincy on the field, and was recommended for the Military Cross for gallant conduct. His words, when dying, “Je me suis conduit comme un homme", touching in their simplicity, reveal the brave soul that has “Gone West.”
  • Newspaper Clipping– In memory of the men and women memorialized on the pages of the Winnipeg Evening Tribune during World War One. Submitted for the project, Operation: Picture Me
  • Tribute to Louis Rodolphe Lemieux– This speech paid tribute to the heroism of Lt. Louis Rodolphe (Roddy) Lemieux. From "Our Heroes in The Great World War", compiled by J. H. De Wolfe, Patriotic Publishing Co., Ottawa, Ontario, 1919.
  • Grave marker

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