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Quinte Health Care Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital

Municipality/Province: Picton, ON

Memorial number: 35069-085

Type: Building

Address: 403 Main Street East

GPS coordinates: Lat: 44.0155572   Long: -77.1366166

Submitted by: Victoria Edwards

In June of 1908, the Sir Thomas Picton Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire contributed money towards a hospital. Many other groups and individuals joined in this effort. The Prince Edward County Hospital was incorporated on April 6, 1918. It was a nine-bed hospital with an operating room in the George Alcorn House on Hill Street in Picton, on April 17, 1919. Having grown to a 58-bed hospital, it was moved to its present location, renamed Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital and officially opened and dedicated on October 14, 1959.

Inscription found on memorial

Quinte Health Care
Prince Edward
County Memorial

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