Royal Military College of Canada Plaque
Municipality/Province: Kingston, ON
Memorial number: 35036-009
Type: Provincial Military Plaque
Address: 13 General Crerar Crescent
Location: Royal Military College of Canada campus, near Frederick Drive
GPS coordinates: Lat: 44.22959 Long: -76.46682
The title of this plaque is The Royal Military College of Canada.
Inscription found on memorial
[left column/colonne de gauche] Après le retrait des forces britanniques du Canada (1870-1871), le gouvernement fédéral décide de fonder un collège de formation des officiers au Canada. En 1874, le ministère Mackenzie fait adopter la loi authorisant sa fondation et le nouveau collège s'ouvre le ler juin 1876, sur l'emplacement de l'ancien arsenal maritime royal, avec 18 cadets sous le 1er commandement du Lt. Col. Edward O. Hewett, R.E. Nommé Royal Military College of Canada en 1878, il offre les cours d'enseignement général et militaire destinés à préparer les cadets aux carrières militaires et civiles. Le collège est réorganisé en 1948 pour former des officiers des trois éléments et en 1959, il devient le premier collège militaire du Commonwealth britannique à pouvoir ac- corder des diplômes reconnus. Érigée par la Fondation du patrimoine ontarien, Ministère de la Culture et des Loisirs |
[right column/colonne de droite] Following the withdrawal of British forces from Canada in 1870-71, the federal govern- ment recognized the need for an officer training college in Canada. In 1874, during the administration of the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, enabling legislation was passed. Located on Point Frederick, the site of the former Royal Naval Dockyard, th new col- lege opened on June 1, 1876, with 18 cadets under Lt.-Col. Edward O. Hewett, R.E. Named the Royal Military College of Canada in 1878, it offered academic and military training courses designed to prepare cadets for both military and civil careers. The college was reorganized in 1948 as a tri-service institu- tion and, in 1959, it became the first mili- tary college in the British Commonwealth to achieve degree-granting status. Erected by the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Ministry of Culture and Recreation |
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