4.0 Manuals

Caregiver Recognition Benefit

  • Caregiver Recognition Benefit – Application and General Information

Case Management

  • Case Conferencing
  • Case Management FAQs
  • Case Management Framework
  • Case Management Guidelines for Veterans with Chronic Pain
  • Case Manager's Checklist For Case Planning
  • Case Managers Guidelines for Working with Veterans Who Are Homeless
  • Case Need and Complexity Indicator
  • Clinical Care Managers for Veterans with Complex Health Needs
  • Distinctions Between Treatment Benefits and Medical or Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
  • FAQs: Case Planning (2011)
  • FAQs: Client Service Agent (CSA) Workload Measurement Tool Project (2013)
  • Final Project Report: Client Service Agent Workload Measurement Tool
  • Guided Support Guideline
  • Guidelines for Caring Carefully
  • Guidelines for Case Conferencing
  • Guidelines for Case Planning
  • Guidelines for Engaging Families
  • Guidelines for Working With Veterans Experiencing Anger
  • Homeless Veteran - Business Process for Screening and Referral
  • How to Process Consent Forms and Initiate Contact with Veterans in the Criminal Justice System
  • Indicators for Referral: Case Management
  • Post Disability Decision Screening
  • Supporting Veterans Requiring Mental Health Services Prior to Entitlement via Disability Benefit
  • Support Services Indicator (SSI) - Steps for Activating and Deactivating
  • VAC Casualty Support Protocol
  • Veteran Suicide Notification
  • Workload Intensity Tools: Quality Assurance Report

Disability Benefits

  • Acceptance of Diagnoses from nurse practitioners for disability entitlement purposes
  • Additional Pension on behalf of a Spouse/Child (NCCN)
  • Adjudication Manual
  • Administered/Estate Account - Administration of Clients’ Monies
  • Administered/Estate Account - Disbursement of Estate Funds held by VAC
  • Disability Benefits - Medical Examinations for Still Serving CAF Members
  • Disability Benefits Program: Revised Service Standard, April 1st 2011
  • Disability Benefits Program: Revised Service Standard, CSDN Changes
  • Disability Benefits Program: Transition Activities for Revised Service Standard
  • Disability Pensions/Awards Medical Assessment and Reassessment
  • How to Process a Payment or Reimbursement of Financial Advice
  • How to Process a Clothing Allowance Application
  • How to Process a Critical Injury Benefit Application
  • How to Process a Medical Release Attributable to Service Determination Application
  • How to Process an Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation Application
  • How to Process an Application for the Education Assistance Program (EAP)
  • How to Process an Attendance Allowance Application
  • How to Process Disability Benefit Applications for Survivors and Dependents
  • How to Process Disability Benefits First Applications in CSDN
  • How to Process Disability Benefits First Applications in GCCase
  • How to Process an Exceptional Incapacity Allowance Application
  • How to Process Detention Benefit under the Veterans Well-being Act (VWA)
  • How to Process Red Zones in GCCase
  • How to Process Red Zone Requests for Disability Benefits
  • Members/Veterans requests to hold Disability Award Application until April 1, 2019
  • Pension Disease Classification Manual
  • Pension Officer Reference Manual
  • Pre-decision Counselling for Clients with Dual Entitlement – Disability Pension and Pain and Suffering Compensation
  • Qualified Health Professionals Accepted for Veterans Affairs Canada Disability Program
  • Royal Canadian Legion: How to Process a Disability Benefits Application
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Disability Entitlement (On Duty Determinations)

Funeral and Burial Program

  • Matter of Right Decisions for the Funeral and Burial Program

Health Care Benefits

  • Appendix B - Provider Information- VAC Guidelines for Authorizing Blood Collection Services
  • Claims that Exceed 18 Month Limitation on Reimbursements and Payments
  • Contact Process for Departmental FHCPS Users Needing Assistance with the FHCPS Portal or inquiries for Medavie Blue Cross
  • Cues for Referral of Treatment Requests Between VAC Area Offices and the Medical Authorization Centre (MAC)
  • Decision Making and Use of the Benefit Grids
  • Determining Need for In-Home Treatment
  • Emergency Call Devices (ECDs)
  • Health Related Travel – Veteran Contact Regarding Post Payment Verification Process
  • How to Process a Request for a Benefit or Service when Client Does Not Have POC –interim
  • Increased Decision making Authority under the Veterans Health Care Regulations for Case Managers
  • In-Home Treatment – Compensating Providers for Costs of Time-In-travel
  • Items Purchased Outside Canada
  • How to Process Requests for Treatment/Intervention at Outpatient or Inpatient Multi-Disciplinary Clinics (MDCs)
  • Increased Authority to Approve Home Adaptations and Special Equipment under the Veterans Health Care Benefits Program
  • Light Therapy for Bipolar I, Bipolar II and Major Depressive Disorder with a Seasonal Specifier
  • NCCN Procedure When Client Reports Pharmacy Balance Billing
  • Order for accessing sources of payment for treatment benefits and services
  • Payment of Health Premiums or Fees
  • POC 1 - Protective Helmets
  • POC 5 - In-Home Venipuncture (Blood Collection) Services
  • POC 6 - EDTA Intravenous Chelation Therapy
  • POC 7 - Blood Pressure Monitor
  • POC 7 - Cold Air Mask
  • POC 7 - Electric Blanket
  • POC 7 - Glucose Meter
  • POC 7 - Hydrocolloidal Gels
  • POC 7 - Massage Unit (Portable and hand-held)
  • POC 7 - Medical Alert Identification
  • POC 7 - Needleless Syringe
  • POC 7 - Neuro-muscular Electrical Stimulator
  • POC 7 - Pre-medicated Bandages
  • POC 7 - Skin Graft Product (Apligraf)
  • POC 7 - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS)
  • POC 8 - Nursing Foot Care - Licensed/Registered Practical Nurse (LPN/RPN)
  • POC 8 - Nursing Foot Care (excluding Foreign Countries Operations)
  • POC 8 - Nursing Foot Care Registered Nurse (RN)
  • POC 8 - Nursing Services: Visits
  • POC 9 - Oxygen Therapy
  • POC 10 - Adverse Drug Utilization Evaluation
  • POC 10 - Anti-Smoking Aids
  • POC 10 - Fees for Injections Administered by Pharmacists
  • POC 10 - Interim Supply
  • POC 10 - More Than 100 Days Supply
  • POC 10 - Non-Formulary Products
  • POC 10 - Smoking Cessation Programs
  • POC 12 - All Related Health Services - Initial Approval & Exceeding Frequency and Annual Dollar Limits
  • POC 12 - Neurofeedback: Modality Used by Approved Health Professionals
  • POC 12 - Requests for Extensions and Maintenance Therapy
  • POC 13 - Computers and Robotic Equipment
  • POC 13 - Cushion (Power) Lifting Chair/Easy Lift Chair with Spring Lifter Seat/ Ejector Seat Chair
  • POC 13 - Electrical Hospital Beds
  • POC 13 - Exercise Equipment
  • POC 13 - Home Adaptations
  • POC 13 - Home or Self Use Neurofeedback, or EEG Biofeedback Machines
  • POC 13 - Hydrotherapy Equipment
  • POC 13 - In-Home Transporting/Lifting Devices, Power Mobility Equipment, Vehicle Modifications
  • POC 13 - Motorized Yard Equipment
  • POC 13 - Niagara Cyclo-Massage Chairs
  • POC 13 - Orthopaedic/Posturepedic Mattress
  • POC 13 - Passive Exercise Devices
  • POC 13 - PVACs Pend Management
  • POC 13 - Recreational Vehicles
  • POC 13 - Special Equipment - Requirement for a Minimum of Two Quotes
  • POC 13 - Water Softening Devices
  • Prescription Drugs – Non Formulary Products
  • Pressure Reduction/Relief Mattresses and Overlays
  • Provider Relations Issues Workflow
  • Referrals to Head Office for Exceptional Health Care Services or Benefits
  • Reference Chart for Treatment Benefit Decisions Made Under the VHCRs
  • Reimbursement of Co-payments and Deductibles for Health Benefits
  • Releasing CF Personnel - FHCPS Release Dates
  • Renewal of Treatment Benefits
  • Requirement for the Verification of Home Adaptations
  • Requirement to Access Provincial Programs
  • Responding to Inquiries regarding Client Verification Letters sent out by the Medavie Blue Cross National Investigative Unit (NIU)
  • Selection of Providers and Payment of Benefits
  • Treatment Benefits or Services Inquiries Escalation Process
  • Treatment Benefit Proof of Payment
  • Use of “Plain Language” Treatment Authorization Centre (TAC) Decision Letter Templates
  • VAC Contribution Toward the Cost of a Treatment Benefit

Income Support

  • Administered/Estate Account
  • How to Appeal Decline of Canadian Forces Income Support Benefit-CF Veteran or Survivor/Orphan
  • How to Appeal Decline of Income Replacement Benefit – CAF Veteran
  • How to Appeal Decline of IRB – Survivor/Orphan
  • How to Apply - Canadian Forces Income Support Benefit - CF Veteran
  • How to apply for the Public Service Health Care Plan - PSHCP (Health Benefits Program)
  • How to Process Applications for Trust Funds/Emergency Fund
  • How to Process Canadian Forces Income Support Benefit Application - Survivor/Orphan
  • How to Process Income Replacement Benefit Applications for Veterans
  • Income Replacement Benefit – Overpayments: Recovery, Remission and Write Off
  • Income Replacement Benefit Application Process for Survivors and Orphans
  • Status of Canadian Forces Income Support (CFIS) Application - CF Veteran or Survivor/Orphan
  • Status of Canadian Forces Income Support Payment (CFIS) - CF Veteran or Survivor/Orphan
  • Suspension of the IRB during the Assessment of Rehab Needs or During Development and Implementation of the Rehab Plan
  • Trust Fund Eligibility Criteria

Long Term Care

  • Accommodation and Meals Rates
  • Accommodation and Meals Rate Annual Renewal and Canada Revenue Agency Weekly Reports
  • Application and Decision Making Process - Long Term Care Program and VIP Intermediate Care
  • Claims that Exceed 18 Month Limitation on Reimbursements and Payments
  • Creating a New Long Term Care Facility Notebook in CSDN/RCSS
  • Guidelines on Payment of Long Term Care Invoices by Medavie Blue Cross
  • How to Apply Long Term Care Insurance to Accommodation and Meals Contributions
  • Long Term Care Eligibility and Payment Guide\
  • Long Term Care Program and Veterans Independence Program (Intermediate Care) Payment Process Reference Tool
  • Long Term Care Support
  • Long Term Care Support Waiver
  • Overseas Service Veterans Who Apply for Contract Beds (Veterans Independence Program and Long Term Care)
  • Residential Care Support System (RCSS) - User Manual
  • Section 34 Financial Administration Act (FAA) Long-Term Care Large Contract Facility Authorization Process

Veterans Emergency Fund

  • How to Process Applications for the Veterans Emergency Fund
  • Interim COVID-19 Business Process Veterans Emergency Fund Acquisition Card (for VSTMs)
  • Veterans Emergency Fund Acquisition Card (for VSTMs)

Veterans Independence Program

  • Adjudicating Services for Primary Caregivers
  • Advance Pay
  • Approval of Ambulatory Health Care under the Veterans Independence Program
  • Approval of Foot Care under the Veterans Independence Program (VIP)
  • Claims that exceed 18 Month Limitation on Reimbursements and Payments
  • Entitlement Only (one dollar) Benefit Arrangement
  • Exceeding Rates
  • Exceptional Health Needs
  • Grant Determination Tool User Manual
  • Maximum Rates Payable for Veterans Independence Program and Long Term Care Program Services
  • Payment of VIP Services When Client has Relatives Residing in the Home
  • Primary Caregiver Eligibility When the Veteran is Admitted to an Assisted-living Facility
  • Procedures for New Departmental Printing and Mailing Functionality for VIP Letters
  • Processing New Veterans Independence Program Applications
  • Reassessments, Amendments and Terminations of Grant Benefits
  • Requirements for Decision Making and Determination of Need
  • Requirements for Decision Making and Determination of Need – Annex
  • Review of Veterans Independence Program (VIP) Reassessment Report
  • Role of the Decision-maker and the Senior Area Medical Officer – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Three year Benefit Renewal with Veterans Independence Program (VIP) Recipients
  • Veterans Independence Program (VIP) Benefits for Survivors (2008 Expansion)
  • Veterans Independence Program (VIP) Delegation of Authority Table
  • Veterans Independence Program - Guiding Questions for Determination of Need
  • Veterans Independence Program (VIP) National Rates for Housekeeping and Ground Maintenance Services
  • VIP Client Overpayment
  • VIP Eligibility at a Glance
  • VIP Home Adaptations and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
  • VIP Interface User Guide and Desktop Procedures
  • VIP Processing Reassessments, Amendments or Terminations for Reimbursement Benefits
  • VIP Provider Overpayment

Veterans Ombudsman

  • OVO Charlottetown Operations Guidelines

Transition Services

  • Accountability Framework for Performance Management and Reporting - Case Management Services
  • Administrative Release of Canadian Forces Members Who Breach Universality of Service
  • Area Counsellor Client-Centred Assessment
  • CAF Member Relocation/File Transfer Process -Medically Releasing CAF Members
  • Career Transition Services - Application and General Information
  • Changes to Decision Making Authority for the Rehabilitation Program
  • Diminished Earning Capacity (DEC): Issue Resolution and Responding to Field Operations Inquiry Process
  • Distinctions for Rehabilitation Focused Case Planning Guideline
  • DND/VAC/SISIP Program Arrangement (PA) - Questions and Answers
  • Education and Training Benefit – Application and General Information
  • Enhanced Transition Services VAC/ CAF Escalation Process - Medically Releasing CAF Members
  • Guidelines for the Harmonization of Rehabilitation Services VAC/DND/SISIP
  • Guidelines - Self-Employment as a Vocational Rehabilitation Goal
  • How to Initiate and Record Pharmacy Related Request for VAC Rehabilitation Service and Vocational Assistance Program Participants
  • How to Process Applications and Render and Record Eligibility Decisions for Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance
  • How to Process a RCMP Transition Interview Request
  • How to Process Dental Services for VAC Rehabilitation Program Clients
  • How to Process VAC Rehabilitation Program Medical and Psycho-social Assessments and Services
  • How to Process VAC Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Services (National Contractor)
  • Inactive VR Files – Closing the VR File with CVVRS
  • Information Guide: Medically-Releasing CAF Personnel/Veteran CAF/SISIP FS/VAC
  • Integrated Transition Plan (ITP)
  • IVRP Expenses - Description of Categories
  • Rehabilitation and Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance for Out of Country Participants
  • Rehabilitation Framework
  • Rehabilitation Program Decision Making: Determining and Demonstrating Appropriate Evidence-based Decisions – Revised
  • Rehabilitation Program: Reminders on Eligibility Effective Dates
  • Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program: Issue Resolution, Program Inquiry and Case Consultation Request Process
  • Review of Rehabilitation and Financial Benefits Decisions Under the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (CFMVRCA)
  • Screening Tool Guidelines
  • Service Standard Start Date Mandatory Field
  • Suspension of Rehabilitation or Vocational services, Cancellation or Completion of Rehabilitation or Vocational Assistance Plan & Program Eligibility
  • Tracking Rehabilitation Program Costs
  • Transition Case Conferencing with CFHS
  • Transition Interview Process -Voluntary Release (Non-medical)
  • Transition Interview Referral Process for Medically Releasing Reservist
  • Transition Interviews - Medically Releasing CAF Members


  • Change of Address
  • Client Information Storage
  • Client Service Team Competency Profiles
  • Client Service Team Competency Profile Gap Analysis Report
  • Creating Notebooks in CSDN
  • Disclosing Content of VAC Files Directly to Clients
  • Documenting Client Consent
  • Exceptional Prepayment Health Related Travel
  • Hand-held Electronic Devices
  • Health-Related Travel and Rehabilitation Related Travel Expenses (other than training)
  • How to Request Service Information
  • Indicators for Referral to Client Service Team
  • Obtaining a Client File Number
  • Payment for Medical Assessments/Exams/Reports and Associated Travel for Rehabilitation, Disability Award/Pain and Suffering Compensation, Disability Pension and Financial Benefits (no entitlement)
  • Power of Attorney – Alternative Arrangements Chart
  • Power of Attorney (POA)/Public Trustee/Guardianship
  • Pre-paid Return Envelopes for Clients
  • Reservists – Compensation During a Period of Injury, Disease or Illness
  • Scanning and Mail Direction Guidelines
  • Screening Tool Guidelines
  • Service Health Records
  • (SHRs) - Digital SHR Desktop Procedures for Outside Document
  • (SHRs) - Digital SHR Desktop Procedures for View Modify Users
  • (SHRs) - Digital SHR Desktop Procedures for View Users
  • (SHRs) - Procedures for Digital Imaging of Service Health Records (SHRs) by PWGSC in Matane, Québec
  • (SHRs) Procedures for Obtaining Service Health Records
  • (SHRs) – Tips
  • Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Directive
  • Social Insurance Number used as Service Number
  • Validation of Identity