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There were 4751 total records returned.
Hit by a Suicide Bomber

Hit by a Suicide Bomber

While on duty, Major Feyko provides details of the attack where he and his fellow comrades were injured and the personal impact of the wounds he incurred and the care he received.

Medal of Bravery

Medal of Bravery

Mr. Hart shares a very proud moment where he earned the Military Medal for Bravery due to his actions that would save the lives of hundred of troops.

An Ambush Never Forgotten

An Ambush Never Forgotten

Mr. McCue shares a very personal and heart wrenching story of witnessing the ambush that killed his fellow comrade, Nichola Goddard.

Tied and Chained for 13 Months

Tied and Chained for 13 Months

Mr. Cole recalls that for a long time, prisoners were tied and chained within the camp.

Surrendered and Captured

Surrendered and Captured

Mr. Stanley recalls his days as a POW.

National Peacekeepers Day - Peackeepers Employed at VAC

National Peacekeepers Day - Peackeepers Employed at VAC


Remembrance Moments - Passchendaele

Remembrance Moments - Passchendaele

The Battle of Passchendaele

Remembrance Moments - Netherlands

Remembrance Moments - Netherlands

Liberation of the Netherlands

Remembrance Moments - Hong Kong

Remembrance Moments - Hong Kong

The Defence of Hong Kong

Remembrance Moments - Indigenous Veterans

Remembrance Moments - Indigenous Veterans

Canada’s Indigenous Veterans

Remembrance Moments - Beaumont-Hamel

Remembrance Moments - Beaumont-Hamel


Remembrance Moments - Afghanistan

Remembrance Moments - Afghanistan

Canada’s Role in Afghanistan

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