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2919 results returned within branch Army
Starving in Holland

Starving in Holland

Mr. Gouchie describes the conditions in Holland when it was liberated by the Canadians.

Better to Wound than to Kill

Better to Wound than to Kill

During training Mr. Gouchie was told it was better to wound the enemy than to kill him. He tells us why and also tells us of the house they referred to as the "ghost house."

Mutt and Jeff

Mutt and Jeff

Mr. Gouchie tells a humorous story of his friend trying to eat his supper.

Close Call With a Tank

Close Call With a Tank

Mr. Gouchie recalls a time when he was almost run over by a tank.

Digging Holes

Digging Holes

Mr. Gouchie tells us that he dug more holes over there (France) than you could plow up in a month and explains why.

Eleven Months of Action

Eleven Months of Action

Mr. Gouchie describes what he saw and went through for the eleven months following D-Day.

Being a Sniper

Being a Sniper

Mr. Gouchie talks about his role as a sniper.

The 2nd Wave

The 2nd Wave

Mr. Gouchie was part of the 2nd wave that landed at Juno Beach on D-Day. He tells us about that landing and the first few hours of the battle.

A 50 Mile Forced March

A 50 Mile Forced March

Mr. Melanson describes reaching the Baltic ahead of the Russians and the hoard of German POWs in Canadian care.

Landing in a Tree!

Landing in a Tree!

Mr. Melanson describes parachuting over the Rhine with both tragic and humorous consequences.

Jonesy’s Story - A Tremendous Brotherhood

Jonesy’s Story - A Tremendous Brotherhood

Mr. Melanson describes the tremendous bond among the remaining members of his battalion.

Looking for Excitement

Looking for Excitement

Mr. Melanson reflects on his reasons for wanting to serve overseas.

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