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2919 results returned within branch Army
Basic Training

Basic Training

Mr. Weaver recalls joining the army and basic training before going to Africa.

Life in Trenches.  Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Life in Trenches. Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Mr. Sutherland describes life in the trenches during the First World War. He also recalls his part in the battle of Vimy Ridge. He remembers how he spent his leaves in Scotland.

I was a trumpeter

I was a trumpeter

Mr. Wilson demonstrates that although his memory of overseas service may have faded, his love of singing and ability to do so are still very obvious.

Who’s there???

Who’s there???

Mr. Melanson describes a humorous mid-air encounter.

30 Feet - The Most Frightening Height

30 Feet - The Most Frightening Height

Mr. Melanson discusses paratroop training in detail.

But nobody knew

But nobody knew

Mr. Beukema talks about the death and survival of air crews shot down over Holland

Everything was cleaned out.

Everything was cleaned out.

Mr. Beukema offers some perspectives on the occupation of his home town by the Germans

Driving a Supply Truck

Driving a Supply Truck

In the Second World War as a truck driver in the Canadian Amy, your truck was your office, and home at times. Mr. Pelly describes living conditions in his truck and working as part of a convoy carrying supplies to the front.

Signing Up

Signing Up

Mr. Pelly talks about joining the Canadian Army with his brother.

The 18 Pounder

The 18 Pounder

Mr. Munro describes how he and his gun crew would use the 18 pounder artillery gun to train, shooting at wooden tanks that were pulled along by tractors on long cables, while on exercise in Petawawa, Ontario.

Pride of Service

Pride of Service

Mr. Buckler conveys his pride in the job that he and his comrades who served in Korea did. He tells a story to illustrate the bravery of the soldiers he served with one of whom received a medal for bravery for his part.

We fought and saved each other’s lives

We fought and saved each other’s lives

Mr. Hall reflects on how people change during wartime, and making today's children aware of the contribution of Veterans to their freedom.

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