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2919 results returned within branch Army
Nursing the Wounded

Nursing the Wounded

Mrs. Butler talks about her patients and the toll that war had taken on so many of them.

The A-Bomb

The A-Bomb

Mr. Wong talks about how the Chinese supported each other, and how they were just beginning operations when the war in Japan ended. He speaks about how the atomic bomb probably saved his life.

Guerilla Warfare

Guerilla Warfare

Mr. Wong speaks about guerilla warfare training and how each person was trained in a specific area.

Training In Poona

Training In Poona

Mr.Wong talks about being sent to Poona, India, and the fact that they were trained for guerrilla warfare.

After the War

After the War

Mr. Parker talks about readjusting to civilian life, and the advantages of the military structured life.

Close call on tank patrol

Close call on tank patrol

Mr. Parker talks with admiration of a Lieutenant Cutville, and a recce they went on in a tank, where they were hit by an armour-piercing shell (but escaped unscathed).

Punishment for AWOL

Punishment for AWOL

Vokes strips him down to buck private and sends him back to the ranks, but he also adds a twist to the punishment.



Mr. Parker returns to base, and is arrested. He is brought up on charges in front of General Vokes.



Mr. Parker talks about what he thought of the Canadian troops, and meeting General Chris Vokes. He also makes off with a girl in a town for the weekend.

Hitler Youth

Hitler Youth

Mr. Parker talks about running into the SS and Hitler Youth in NW Europe, and how tenacious they could be.

Fighting on in Northwest Europe

Fighting on in Northwest Europe

Mr. Parker talks about why Italy was so much harder a campaign (for him) than North West Europe, and the respect he had for some of the German fighting regiments.



Mr. Parker talks about how he felt they were able to keep going, and the kinds of things they did after a battle to try and let loose some of the pent-up tension.

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