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435 results returned within campaign Hong Kong
Desperate Thirst

Desperate Thirst

Mr. Flegg describes being provided water by their Japanese captors. It is delivered in an unwashed gasoline drum. Despite the contamination, the men are so thirsty, they drink it anyway.

Close Quarter Fighting and Fear of Reprisal

Close Quarter Fighting and Fear of Reprisal

Mr. Flegg gives a vivid account of the close quarter fighting at the Aberdeen Reservoir. He describes fatigue and hunger, and destroying a cache of liquor because of a fear of Japanese brutality should they find it and get drunk.

Pillboxes Were Death Traps

Pillboxes Were Death Traps

Mr. Flegg talks about pillboxes being deathtraps. Under enemy fire, he rescues two wounded men from a pillbox which had had a Molotov cocktail dropped down the ventilator.

Camp life and personal batmen

Camp life and personal batmen

Mr. Flegg describes the sleeping facilities in his camp, and being awakened every morning by a Chinese man who was giving him a shave in bed. His clothing and boots were also looked after by this man for a modest payment.

Impressions of Hong Kong

Impressions of Hong Kong

Mr. Flegg describes the overcrowding in Hong Kong, but still being able to enjoy the wine, women and song. He describes the Canadian provosts as being very understanding when men became drunk or unruly.

Joining the Winnipeg Grenadiers

Joining the Winnipeg Grenadiers

After months of training with Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Mr. Flegg describes jumping at the chance to reinforce the Winnipeg Grenadiers, thinking they are heading out for Europe. However, the troop train heads west.



Mr. Harrison describes returning home and his happy reunion with his family. His one regret was having to answer questions from those whose loved ones hadn’t returned.

The War Ends

The War Ends

Mr. Harrison describes the events in his camp the day that the Japanese capitulate. The elation is dampened by the unfortunate death of a young American pilot who crashes beside the camp.

Extra Protein

Extra Protein

Mr. Harrison describes being given pickled locusts as a protein supplement, much to the distaste of many prisoners.

Incremental Punishment

Incremental Punishment

Mr. Harrison discusses how complaints about how the men are being punished only leads to harsher treatment by the Japanese. The complaints stop!

Avoiding Amputation

Avoiding Amputation

Mr. Harrison describes his ordeal with gangrene, which almost results in the amputation of his toes.

Working in a Foundry

Working in a Foundry

Mr. Harrison describes his 10 - 11 hour work day in the Nagoya foundry, and the risk of being burned by splashed or spilled molten metal. He also describes another risk, earthquakes which would shake the foundry.

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