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8 results returned
Culture Shock

Culture Shock

Mr. Slusar speaks about the culture shock he felt when trying to understand the customs of the local people in a city with very different surroundings.

Close Calls

Close Calls

Mr. Slusar describes some of the close calls experienced and witnessing the sight of gun fire coming towards their camp.

Structure in the Military

Structure in the Military

Mr. Slusar speaks about the respect he had for the structure of the military.

A Positive Change to Family Support

A Positive Change to Family Support

Mr. Slusar provides his opinion of how the military has made a positive step to providing support to the family when the soldier returns home.

The Importance of Structure

The Importance of Structure

Mr. Slusar stresses the importance of structure and the importance of a checklist of a soldier’s daily routine, a positive habit hard to break when returning home.

Level of Stress

Level of Stress

Mr. Slusar describes the level of stress and reasons that cause intensity during a mission.

Proudest Memory of Sarajevo

Proudest Memory of Sarajevo

Mr. Slusar expresses his pride when watching the first plane come in to the airport. One of the best experiences of his service.

Supplies Not Meant for the Military

Supplies Not Meant for the Military

Mr. Slusar witnesses the food and medical supplies for the civilian people being taken by the military for their own use, an act he could not support.

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