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74 results returned
No Man’s Land

No Man’s Land

Mr. Smith describes the retaking of Vimy Ridge, and being wounded by shrapnel after reaching the Chalk Pit.

I Kept Asking Where my Mother Was

I Kept Asking Where my Mother Was

Mr. Jessop touchingly describes returning home to his family and sadly reflects on those who didn’t make it home.

It ( Nagasaki ) Was Flattened

It ( Nagasaki ) Was Flattened

Mr. Jessop describes seeing the massive cloud over Nagasaki after the A-bomb attack, and witnessing first hand the city’s devastation.

When we Came Back, the Guards Were all Gone

When we Came Back, the Guards Were all Gone

Mr. Jessop describes events in Omine camp that indicated the war was ending.

Many Die From Pneumonia

Many Die From Pneumonia

Mr. Jessop describes lack of medication and how, coincidentally, the same dose of medicine saves both him and his brother from pneumonia.

I was Going to Kill him ‘cuz I was Scared to Death

I was Going to Kill him ‘cuz I was Scared to Death

Mr. Jessop describes being disciplined in the mine for acts of sabotage he had instigated. He describes his fear during a close call at the rock face.

God, it was Scary!

God, it was Scary!

Mr. Jessop discusses initially being too ill to work in the coal mine, and his fear of going underground once well enough to do so.

It Can’t be any Worse Than Here, Son.

It Can’t be any Worse Than Here, Son.

Mr. Jessop describes being selected for the Japanese labour camps and his boat ride to Japan.

That’s What you Call Being Worked to Death

That’s What you Call Being Worked to Death

Mr. Jessop describes working at Kai Tek airport and gives an example of the effects of diphtheria on the work force.

We’re not Gonna’ eat This Crap!

We’re not Gonna’ eat This Crap!

Mr. Jessop describes general conditions at North Point camp and his brother’s brush with death while there.

The Governor had Surrendered the Colony

The Governor had Surrendered the Colony

Mr. Jessop describes being unable to hold their positions and being compelled to surrender.

There Were six Hundred of Them

There Were six Hundred of Them

Mr. Jessop describes his final engagement with the Japanese.

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