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29 results returned
The War Is Over!

The War Is Over!

Mr. Grand explains where he was and how he reacted when the war in Europe ended.

War Nears Germany

War Nears Germany

The war in Europe was nearing an end and Mr. Grand’s regiment is now inside Germany, moving slowly toward Berlin.

A Return To Dieppe

A Return To Dieppe

Mr. Grand recalls that two years following the landing at Dieppe, the French port was again the target of Mr. Grand’s regiment, but for an entirely different and happier reason.

Back In France - D-Day plus 2

Back In France - D-Day plus 2

Mr. Grand eventually takes part in the Normandy landings of 1944. He arrives on D-Day plus two and soon finds himself at Caen, a few miles inland. He recalls his surprise when he discovers that one of the city’s churches has escaped damage in the midst of the carnage from the bombing.

Homing Pigeons Carry Message of Losses

Homing Pigeons Carry Message of Losses

Mr. Grand describes his crippled vessel’s journey back to England. He recalls that it was decided to send a message to England, reporting the outcome of the attempted landing, by an on board homing pigeon.

English Channel Voyage to Dieppe

English Channel Voyage to Dieppe

Mr. Grand describes how the ship continues to move across the English Channel toward France.

Given Their Orders

Given Their Orders

Mr. Grand describes that when the crossing of the beach at Dieppe got underway, those aboard his ship were called to the main deck to be told where they were going and why.

Road to Portsmouth and Dieppe

Road to Portsmouth and Dieppe

Mr. Grand recalls how his trip to Portsmouth, England would enable him to participate in the Dieppe landing.

One of the Funniest Things

One of the Funniest Things

Mr. Quick tells an amusing story about bartering for eggs with local Italian farmers.

Ilio’s Story

Ilio’s Story

Mr. Quick describes the adoption of a starving young Italian boy, Ilio, and having him with them for the duration of the Italian Campaign.

No Fraternization

No Fraternization

Mr. Quick describes getting in trouble for a kind-hearted gesture, but being vindicated by his commanding officer.

Lucky Break

Lucky Break

Mr. Quick talks about a time that he was lucky to escape death. He goes on to talk about another photographer who wasn’t so lucky.

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