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3030 results returned within war Second World War
First trip to Paris

First trip to Paris

Mrs. Page talks about how you made the best of a bad situation, and her first trip to Paris.

Working in the Hospital

Working in the Hospital

Mrs. Page talks about what the work in the hospitals was like.

Leaving the Hospital on a Pass and Dating

Leaving the Hospital on a Pass and Dating

Mrs. Page talks about the patients in the hospital at the end of the war.

Germans, the Patients

Germans, the Patients

Mrs. Page talks about Germans POWs in the hospital.

Allies and Germans Together as Patients

Allies and Germans Together as Patients

Mrs. Page talks about having a combination of Allied and German patients, and having to remove all their armaments strapped to their uniforms.

The Vickers Platoon

The Vickers Platoon

Mr. Kelly discusses the Mark 5 Sten Gun and his humorous friend Hlady.

Living Conditions and the Trip to Belgium

Living Conditions and the Trip to Belgium

Mrs. Page talks about the living and working conditions at the hospital, and then moving north into Belgium.

Nursing and how it has changed since the War

Nursing and how it has changed since the War

Mrs. Page talks about her love of nursing, and how much different it is today. She talks about nursing her own mother until her death at 108, and her hospital getting ready for D-Day.

Harassing Fire

Harassing Fire

Mr. Field talks about a Harassing Fire Command Post and about getting pinned down by enemy fire.

Former enemies

Former enemies

Mr. Sperry talks about how he looks at Veterans from the opposite side and what it would have been like if he had been born in their countries.

Lessons on vigilance

Lessons on vigilance

Mr. Sperry talks about how he hopes war never happens again.

Storm on the Atlantic

Storm on the Atlantic

Mr. Sperry describes storms on the Atlantic and how a man was lost overboard.

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