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3030 results returned within war Second World War
The Importance Of Survival

The Importance Of Survival

Mr. Campbell describes his situation when caught in an air raid and describes the act for survival during this type of warfare

Tricking German Submarines

Tricking German Submarines

Mr. Campbell speaks about the effectiveness of radar in relation to transmitting signals from the aircraft detecting German submarines through frequency control.

Discovery Of Magnetron

Discovery Of Magnetron

Mr. Campbell describes his responsibilities as a radar mechanic with the Bomber Command and the equipment used during his service.

There wasn’t a service person living on their street

There wasn’t a service person living on their street

Mr. Clark describes being in Halifax when the war ended, and gives some details of and insight into the subsequent Halifax riot.

It was a good bunch of boys.

It was a good bunch of boys.

Mr. Clark discusses some good and bad aspects of life at sea.

They didn’t have penicillin at that time.

They didn’t have penicillin at that time.

Mr. Clark compares wounds he saw to more severe ones earlier in the war. He describes nature’s antibiotic - maggots.

There’s an awful difference in your captains.

There’s an awful difference in your captains.

Mr. Clark compares the rough seas navigation style of the two captains who commanded the ‘Lady Nelson’.

It made you realize how helpless someone could be.

It made you realize how helpless someone could be.

Mr. Clark talks about looking after wartime amputees.

He brought me down an old CNR bun.

He brought me down an old CNR bun.

Mr. Clark gives his impressions of his early life and labours aboard the ‘Lady Nelson’.

You Had to Prove You’re one of Them.

You Had to Prove You’re one of Them.

Mr. Clark describes integrating into an established crew on the ‘Lady Nelson’, and describes the informality among the officers and crew.

It’ll All Work Out In The End.

It’ll All Work Out In The End.

Mr. Clark describes his eventual selection for medical service aboard the hospital ship ‘Lady Nelson’.

Duty onboard the HMCS Kootenay

Duty onboard the HMCS Kootenay

Mr. Nordlund speaks about his enjoyment onboard the HMCS Kootenay, a passenger boat used to pick up people and escort submarines back to port.

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