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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Pride for the Regiment

Pride for the Regiment

Mr. Baker speaks about the respect we should have for our country and the importance of taking the time to reflect on the service that was given by all regiments during wartime service.

The Gurkhas - Beautiful Soldiers

The Gurkhas - Beautiful Soldiers

Guard duty was the honour of the Gurkha soldiers. Mr. Baker describes his respect for the Gurkha soldier and their respect for Canadians.

The Pride for D-Day Dodgers

The Pride for D-Day Dodgers

Mr. Baker speaks about being referred to as D-Day Dodgers and explains the term. Although being miffed by the attitudes towards these soldiers - some believing they tried to avoid the Italian invasion - Mr. Baker speaks about the truth of their duty and the pride for their service.

Supply Drops

Supply Drops

Mr. Campbell discusses his experiences dropping supplies for POWs after the war.

Cream of the Crop Students

Cream of the Crop Students

Mr. Campbell talks about how impressed he was with the students he taught, and discusses his feelings on the atomic bomb.

A Whole Crew Lost

A Whole Crew Lost

Mr. Campbell reminisces about his lost navigator buddy and an entire crew that didn’t come home.

Our Guns Didn’t Work

Our Guns Didn’t Work

Mr. Campbell talks about a very dangerous mission on which his crew lost a comrade.

Stay Out of Those Clouds

Stay Out of Those Clouds

Mr. Campbell talks about flying through the monsoons, trying not to be torn to pieces, and coming upon an amazing discovery.

A Spry Crew

A Spry Crew

Mr. Campbell talks about his first training and operational missions and a time he gave the squadron a good laugh.

Scared To Death

Scared To Death

Mr. Campbell describes being treated quite well at training in Trenton, Ontario. He also tells of a frightening flying experience in Gananoque, ON.

War Was In The Air

War Was In The Air

Mr. Campbell had a direct commission in to the Royal Air Force as a navigational instructor. He explains that his parents were quite proud.

Awaiting The Return Of Aircraft

Awaiting The Return Of Aircraft

Mr. Campbell describes the tension that is felt within the interrogation office on a return mission awaiting the return of aircraft.

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