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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Thank God for us who were the lucky ones.

Thank God for us who were the lucky ones.

Mr. Evans reflects on the loss of everyone involved in the Second World War, gives thanks for his own survival, and describes a pilgrimage to Russia.

It was the 8th of May when we got the word that the war was over.

It was the 8th of May when we got the word that the war was over.

Mr. Evans describes how, at the end of the war, he left the ship in Halifax with his brother before he was discharged. He hid when police and immigration were looking for him as they considered him a deserter.

They called that the coffin side.

They called that the coffin side.

Mr. Evans tells of his ship running out of ammunition on a voyage to Russia in a convoy, and how some men refused to go down into the hold because they feared they’d be trapped if the ship was bombed by German planes.

And there were nobody allowed ashore

And there were nobody allowed ashore

Mr. Evans describes how he went ashore to Iceland despite orders because of the presence of German spies in Iceland. When he returned, he was severely reprimanded by his superiors.

Nine days in a lifeboat

Nine days in a lifeboat

Mr. Evans describes survival in a lifeboat, Icelandic fishermen sharing their food, and finally being towed to safety to the Westman Islands of Iceland by Icelandic in-shore fishermen.

Torpedo Starboard side! Torpedo Starboard side!

Torpedo Starboard side! Torpedo Starboard side!

Mr. Evans describes being torpedoed at night and abandoning ship in lifeboats. He overheard officers debating whether or not to try to rescue their radio operator who had stayed aboard to send the SOS.

Living on relief

Living on relief

Mr. Evans describes his family life before enlistment, the hard work and the poverty.

Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire

Mr. Enman describes how friendly fire occurred between artillery and infantry, blaming it on poor communication abilities and the fog of war, not the artillery men themselves.

Points and the German Occupation

Points and the German Occupation

Mr. Enman explains his frustration with the point system for returning home, describing how he volunteered for Japan and ended up in Germany, while recent arrivals returned to Canada. He then describes how he ended up appreciating the lessons the occupation taught him.

Ignorant to Starvation

Ignorant to Starvation

Mr. Enman explains how ignorant he and others were toward starvation in Europe, describing throwing chocolate to Sicilians and not understanding their reaction, and how they didn't realize at the time how much food they took from the starving Dutch population.

War Hits Home

War Hits Home

Mr. Enman explains how the reality of war didn’t truly sink in until so many Canadians were lost during the Dieppe raid.

Seventy four Holes in the Plane After 1st Flight

Seventy four Holes in the Plane After 1st Flight

Mr. Duncan describes his first

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